
Module 02: Research and Exploration

2.2 What Information Do I Need When Researching Careers?

Jane Career is sitting at her laptop at her dining table with a thought bubble asking, “What information do I need?”

There are many types of information that will help you gain a better understanding of the occupation you are researching :

  1. Labour Market Information (LMI): This data will inform you about current job prospects as well as offering future predictions. It will also give you information on salary expectations, where certain jobs are typically located, which industries hire for this occupation, and trends to watch for.
  2. Day-to-day reality of the job: It’s easy to think about a job in general terms. A job can sound really interesting but when it comes down to what you would be doing every day and the environment that you’d be in, it may not suit your preferences. For example, becoming a Forensics Expert might sound really cool (it can look cool on TV) but through learning what a typical day might look like, you’ll get a better sense of whether you’d enjoy the job over the longer term.
  3. Qualifications needed: The earlier you can find out about what type of qualifications are required to work in a particular field, the earlier you can get working on those qualifications. There might be additional qualifications and/or certifications required for specific occupations that are not covered in your academic program. Once you get this information you can begin obtaining additional credentials and experience (part-time work, volunteer positions, experiential learning opportunities or summer employment in a related field) to build your expertise and set yourself apart from other candidates.
  4. Lifestyle: Not only is it important to educate yourself about the labour market, day-to-day responsibilities, and training needed, but it’s important to consider the type of lifestyle people in this position experience. A musician might sound like a pretty cool job, but are you prepared to work a lot of evenings and weekends?
  5. Fit with self: If you completed Module 1, you will have spent some time clarifying your strengths, interests, values, and personality traits. As you learn more about an occupation and career path, look at how it aligns with your preferences, goals, and strengths.

Is there any other information that’s important for you to research? Think about what matters most to you and make a note so that you can explore further when you’re doing your research.


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