
For Further Study – Additional Resources

The American Institute of Architecture Students. Resources. www.aias.org/chicklets/crit/. Accessed 7 March 2022.

Antoine, Asma-na-hi, Rachel Mason, Roberta Mason, Sophia Palahicky, and Maria C. Rodriguez. Curriculum Developers: Pulling Together: a Guide for Indigenization of Post-Secondary Institutions. , 2018. https://opentextbc.ca/indigenizationfoundations/

The Art History Archive. www.arthistoryarchive.com/arthistory/. Accessed 7 March 2022.

Art Institute Chicago. Archival Collections. www.artic.edu/archival-collections. Accessed 7 March 2022.

The East India Company at Home 1757-1857. UCL Press, 2018. https://openresearchlibrary.org, doi:10.14324/111.9781787350274.

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Bernhard E. Bürdek. Design : History, Theory and Practice of Product Design. Birkhäuser, 2015. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783035603941

Böck, Ingrid, and Rem Koolhaas. Six Canonical Projects by Rem Koolhaas : Essays on the History of Ideas. Jovis, 2015, https://doi.org/10.1515/9783868598919.

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Brandstätter, Christian. Wiener Werkstätte, Design in Vienna 1903-1932 : Architecture, Furniture, Commercial Art, Postcards, Bookbinding, Posters, Glass, Ceramics, Metal, Fashion, Textiles, Accessories, Jewelry. Harry N. Abrams, 2003.

Burnell, Carol, et al. The Word on College Reading and Writing. Open Oregon Educational Resources, www.openoregon.pressbooks.pub/wrd/. Accessed 4 March 2022.

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