

Virtual gaming simulations are a relatively new teaching and learning activity and for many, their uptake was sudden and unexpected during the pandemic. This open access textbook was developed as a resource to help educators effectively use the Virtual Healthcare Experience virtual gaming simulations in particular, however, the principles may apply to other virtual simulations. Although intended for nurse educators, we hope other healthcare educators will benefit from the theory and tools provided in this resource.

Virtual gaming simulation learning is optimized when educators follow the simulation process of prebrief, enactment, debrief and evaluation and we hope that this resource will help educators understand what is involved in each stage and how to conduct each stage effectively with their learners.  We encourage you to be open to exploring different ways of teaching and learning with virtual gaming simulations and to evaluate learner outcomes.  It will take time and effort to become comfortable and proficient using virtual gaming simulation. The rewards that come from teaching and learning through virtual gaming simulation for both you and your learners will be worth it.


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Using Virtual Gaming Simulation: An Educator's Guide Copyright © 2022 by Centennial College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.