Prebrief Process
It is best to conduct the prebrief as soon as possible before the start of the virtual gaming simulation. When facilitating the virtual gaming simulations with a group of learners, the prebrief is conducted just before the simulation enactment. When learners will be playing the virtual gaming simulation individually, the prebrief should occur as soon as the virtual simulation is assigned.
Use a checklist to get started with prebriefing. Two prebriefing checklists for different virtual gaming simulation enactments are provided below. The first (Table 4.1) is oriented to a facilitator-led virtual gaming simulation. The second checklist (Table 4.2) is for learners who are playing a virtual simulation individually, without a facilitator. Some elements are common to both checklists and others are specific to a particular virtual gaming simulation strategy.
Click here to download an accessible PDF copy of Table 4.1
Click here to download an accessible PDF copy of Table 4.2
Table 4.1. Key Elements for a Facilitator-led Virtual Gaming Simulation (Group) Prebrief
Element | Rationale | Completed |
Introduce facilitator (and if appropriate, co-facilitator) and state role(s). |
Outlining facilitator’s roles enhances group communication. |
□ |
Be present: arrive early, be open to questions, smile, nod, remain attentive and look at the screen. |
Being present promotes a sense of psychological safety. |
□ |
Review learning objectives. |
Informing learners of the virtual gaming simulation's content and goals helps them connect the simulation content to course learning outcomes. Promotes psychological safety. |
□ |
Orientate learners to the game play: Review how the virtual gaming simulation is played (video with sound). Game will be paused periodically for the group to make a clinical decision. Learners will then see the consequence of that decision and if correct, continue to the next decision. Alternatively, if the decision is incorrect a video will demonstrate the consequence and feedback will be provided. All learners will be able to download a summary sheet of each decision made. |
Set the stage to maximize learning. Ensures organization and smooth flow during game-playing. Promotes sense of psychological safety. Gives learners a tool for assessing their learning. |
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Advise learners that they can make mistakes while playing. |
Promotes learning through exploration. Promotes psychological safety. |
□ |
Review and/or sign confidentiality forms related to the virtual gaming simulations answers and group discussion. Ask learners to minimize interruptions to the game. |
A sense of psychological safety is enhanced when confidentiality regarding emerging discussion is an expectation. Confidentiality regarding answers reduces passing on simulation answers and enhances academic integrity. |
□ |
Discuss/sign a fiction contract. This is an agreement among learners acknowledging the scenario is fictitious but that it will be viewed as real for learning purposes. Learners put themselves in the role of the nurse while making decisions during the game. |
The fiction contract encourages learner engagement before, during, and after the virtual gaming simulation. The impact of the virtual gaming simulation is optimized when learners overlook unrealistic parts of the virtual gaming simulation. Suspending disbelief allows for an enhanced immersive learning experience. |
□ |
Establish ground rules for engagement related to flow and participation. |
Ground rules set the stage to support the professional integrity of the virtual gaming simulation experience. |
□ |
Review how decisions in the virtual gaming simulations will be made by the learners. Some options are:
Decisions can be made in different ways. The goal is for all learners to be involved in the experience and participate in the decision making. |
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Discuss time allotment. |
Enables learners to plan and fully participate. |
□ |
Review expectations regarding participation. |
This will help learners understand their roles in the virtual gaming simulation. |
□ |
Advise learners clearly if they will be graded or not. If marks will be given for participation, explain how they will be allotted and if a marking rubric will be used. |
Learners have the right to know if they will be graded. Grading will influence how learners play the game. |
□ |
Outline the debriefing process which follows the virtual gaming simulations. |
This will give learners an understanding of the post virtual gaming simulation process and expectations. |
□ |
Table 4.2. Key Elements for an Individually Played Virtual Gaming Simulation Prebrief
Element | Rationale | Completed |
Review learning objectives. |
Informs learners of the virtual gaming simulations content and goals. Helps learners connect the virtual simulation to course learning outcomes. |
□ |
Orientate learners to the game play: |
Sets the stage to maximize learning. Ensures organization and smooth flow during game-playing. Promotes sense of psychological safety. Gives learners a tool for assessing their learning.
□ |
Provide clear instructions on how the virtual gaming simulation works and technical requirements. Clarify the need for high-speed internet and Chrome/Firefox browsers. |
A ‘glitch free’ experience is critical to learner satisfaction. High speed internet is necessary for videos to upload smoothly. These virtual gaming simulations are best accessed with these browsers. |
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Review who/how to access technology support. |
Technical issues will hinder learning and learner satisfaction. |
□ |
Review/sign confidentiality forms related to the virtual gaming simulation answers. |
A sense of psychological safety is enhanced when confidentiality regarding emerging discussion is an expectation. Confidentiality regarding answers reduces passing on simulation answers and enhances academic integrity. |
□ |
Discuss/sign a fiction contract. This is an agreement among learners acknowledging the scenario is fictitious but that it will be viewed as real for learning purposes. Learners put themselves in the role of the nurse while making decisions during the game. |
The fiction contract encourages learner engagement before, during, and after the virtual gaming simulation. The impact of the virtual gaming simulations is optimized when learners overlook unrealistic parts of the virtual gaming simulations. Suspending disbelief allows for an enhanced immersive learning experience. |
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Discuss time allotment. |
Enables learners to plan and fully participate. |
□ |
Advise learners clearly if they will be graded or not. If marks will be given for participation, explain how they will be allotted and if a marking rubric will be used. |
Learners have the right to know if they will be graded. Grading will influence how learners play the game. |
□ |
Outline the debriefing process which follows the virtual gaming simulations. |
Gives learners an understanding of the post virtual gaming simulation process and expectations. |
□ |

Examples in Action: Fiction Contract
During the following virtual gaming simulation, you will interact with different actors depending on the specific scenario. Virtual gaming simulation fosters an environment for active engagement in a relatively safe environment. As the developers of the virtual gaming simulations, we do all we can to make the simulation as real as possible. We do recognize that in this scenario the (input what is not realistic) is not realistic. As the learner, we ask you to engage in the simulation, with the healthcare team members and patient as if they were real. Using these experiences this way provides you with the best active learning opportunity possible.

Examples in Action: Confidentiality
During the virtual gaming simulations, we ask you to be non-judgmental and be open to learning from others in your group and from the simulation. It is important to remember that what happens in the discussion stays within the group. By maintaining confidentiality related to the virtual gaming simulations experiences, others choices/comments and the summary report, you help to create a psychologically safe learning environment and an effective experience for all learners. Does everyone agree to maintain confidentiality related to the class discussion? (Ask for permission to record any part of the virtual gaming simulations if you plan on recording it).

Examples in Action: Psychological Safety
Some of the virtual gaming simulations deal with potentially disturbing content, for example, suicide and domestic violence feature in the Therapeutic Communication and Mental Health Assessment virtual gaming simulation. It is important to address this with learners in the prebrief. Highlight that the virtual gaming simulation is designed for mature learners who are healthcare workers. Advise learners that if they have any unsettled feelings before, during or after the virtual simulation, they should talk with their educator or contact counselling services at their institution. (Provide contact information).