
Selecting the Right Virtual Gaming Simulation

Once educators have decided that virtual gaming simulations would enhance learning in their courses, they need to select the appropriate simulation to ensure the integration is learner-centered. When identifying appropriate virtual gaming simulations for a course, consider the learner’s age, level, background knowledge, technology access and skills and type of nursing program. Key questions that should be asked include:

Who are the learners and what learning outcomes are being targeted?

It is imperative to ensure the course learning outcomes align with the virtual simulation learning outcomes.  Begin by reviewing the virtual gaming simulation objectives and ensure they meet course-specific objectives and learner needs. Identify the virtual gaming simulation’s intended audience and learner level. Engagement is enhanced when learners clearly see the connection between the simulation and the course learning outcomes.

Where does the virtual gaming simulation fit best in a course?

Review the virtual gaming simulations to see where the simulation’s content is delivered in the course. Effective placement of these simulations is important; learners should be introduced to the content that will be covered in the simulation prior to using the simulation. This approach maximizes the impact of the virtual gaming simulation as learners can then apply new knowledge to the simulation practice scenario. Teaching a particular content area, followed by a virtual simulation game, then an in-person simulation prior to clinical practice, is a highly effective way to prepare learners for clinical practice.

What will be the educator’s role regarding the virtual gaming simulation?

The educator’s role will depend on whether the learners will be playing the simulation synchronously (ie., as a group, with a facilitator) or asynchronously (independently, on their own time). No matter which way the virtual gaming simulation is played, learners need clear instructions about their role and the educator’s role. It is important to consider the level of the learner when preparing to use the virtual gaming simulation as this will influence how the virtual game is enacted or played. If the learners are novices or have never played a virtual gaming simulation, the educator may decide to take learners through the virtual gaming simulation together, as a class or in a small group rather than having them play independently. In addition, the debrief questions will be leveled to a novice-level exploration of concepts. More advanced learners, or learners who have used virtual gaming simulations in the past, can be asked to work through the experience individually, and the debrief can be adjusted to reflect more complex concepts.

What training do educators need to teach effectively with virtual gaming simulations?

Educators who are used to a lecture-style approach to teaching will need to embrace a different approach. They will need to understand simulation pedagogy which provides the foundation for these experiences.  Simulation pedagogy posits that learning takes place through exploration and experimentation; therefore, educators will encourage learners to explore different pathways through a virtual simulation without fearing mistakes.

Educators also need sound facilitation skills; these can be learned through formal or informal training. Lastly, educators need to understand and use emerging best practices in virtual gaming simulation teaching. They need to understand how to prebrief learners to help them to make the most of their virtual simulation learning, how to enact the simulation effectively and in particular, how to debrief a simulation effectively.  Theory and practice tips regarding prebriefing, enactment and debriefing with virtual gaming simulation are provided in subsequent chapters.

How should educators prepare to integrate virtual gaming simulations in a course?

Educators need to have an intimate knowledge of the virtual gaming simulation subject matter so that they can respond appropriately to the learners’ questions.  It is also important to play the virtual gaming simulation enough times to have a good understanding of all the potential decision pathways learners may take so they will have a thorough understanding of learners’ experiences. This understanding helps the educator answer learners’ questions and provide an effective debrief.

How often should virtual gaming simulations be used in a course?

Virtual gaming simulation use in a course should be judicious to avoid overloading learners with the same teaching strategy. How often the same virtual simulation should be played is up to the learner. Learners often want to replay a simulation, exploring different decision pathways or aiming to improve their score, and they benefit significantly from that repetition. Replaying the virtual gaming simulation gives learners the opportunity to see what a clinical encounter may look like or to deliberately make mistakes in order to see the consequences of those decisions. Learners also find it beneficial to replay the virtual gaming simulation years after their first play to refresh their memory before going into a specific clinical setting or before writing an exam. Virtual gaming simulations can be used individually by learners or in groups; a full description of these different approaches is provided in Chapter 5.



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Using Virtual Gaming Simulation: An Educator's Guide Copyright © 2022 by Centennial College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.