
Learner Experiences

The virtual gaming simulations, housed in the Virtual Healthcare Experience, have been used in the Ryerson, Centennial, George Brown Collaborative Nursing Degree program since 2015. Globally, there has been widespread uptake with over 1.5 million plays in 25 different countries as of April 2021. Learner enthusiasm and demonstrated knowledge gains have been the impetus for continued use and ongoing development of the virtual gaming simulations. Learners use the virtual gaming simulations in many different ways, including preparation for clinical, exam review, self-testing of course content, and overcoming gaps in clinical experience.

In the following video, Karen Owusu RN, BScN shares her experience with using the virtual gaming simulations to prepare for her NCLEX exam and pediatric clinical experiences.

In the next video Czarielle de la Cruz RN, BScN, shares her experience with using virtual gaming simulations in a health assessment course and maternal and child course.

It is important for educators who are using virtual gaming simulations to be aware of the process for effectively using these resources including, how best to prebrief learners to make the most of their experience, how to enact or play the simulations effectively and how to debrief a simulation. Subsequent chapters in this text will provide educators with the information and strategies needed to build their capacity as virtual gaming simulation facilitators.


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Using Virtual Gaming Simulation: An Educator's Guide Copyright © 2022 by Centennial College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.