Educators frequently raise the question of whether or not to grade the virtual gaming simulation. The answer will depend on each individual educator’s pedagogical approach or goal for using these simulations. Review Table 2.2 to explore options for grading when using virtual gaming simulations.
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Table 2.2. Virtual Gaming Simulation Goals and Grading Strategies
Educator Goal | Strategy |
To offer an experiential learning activity where the learner can make mistakes in a safe environment. |
To assign a summative mark. |
To test the learner's knowledge. |

Expert’s Corner: Grading
Whether you decide to assign a grade or not, it is critical for learners to be clear on that decision before they play the simulation as it may affect how they proceed.

Examples in Action: Participation Mark
We assign our learners a virtual gaming simulation as an individual experience and provide a participation mark of 1-2.5% of their final grade. In order to receive the mark, they need to hand in the summary report and self-debrief by a pre-assigned time. The learner either gets the participation mark or not, there are no partial marks. In our experience, 99% of the learners complete this assigned work on time.