
Debriefing Principles

Regardless of the type of debriefing approach an educator decides to use, it is important to be guided by the following principles.

Lead the debrief using sound facilitation skills

  • The Virtual Healthcare Experience virtual gaming simulations are based on the experiential learning cycle in which a concrete experience (the simulation) is followed by observation and reflection on the simulation. Training in facilitation is important in leading learners through a reflective process where they examine the decisions and choices they made during the virtual gaming simulation and explore how those choices impact their clinical practice.

Mitigate psychological safety concerns

  • Effective debriefing requires the learners to be authentic about their actions and clinical reasoning during the virtual gaming simulations. As a result, any risk to psychological safety will affect the learner’s willingness to share.

Instruct learners on using analytics within the debrief

  • At the end of each virtual gaming simulation, learners playing individually receive an individualized summary report (analytics) of all their decisions. Encourage learners to save the report as a pdf document. The report can be used to inform the debrief so that the individual or group debrief focuses on the learners needs.

Orientate learners to the experience by reviewing simulation learning objectives

  • Highlighting general or specific learning objectives sets the stage for the debrief. In addition, time may have elapsed since the learner completed the virtual gaming simulation and this step reorients learners to the objectives.

Link to learning and course objectives

  • Andragogic pedagogy emphasizes the need for adult learners to make connections between a learning activity and course objectives. This helps learners connect the virtual gaming simulation content and its relevance to their learning goals.

Develop questions based on a theoretical framework

  • Debriefing questions based on a theoretical framework provide a way to structure questions in an evidence-based, purposeful way. When choosing a debriefing framework, take time to review the different types to find one that fits learner needs and the virtual gaming simulation content.

Provide clear instructions related to expectations and grading

  • Learners need to know exactly what is expected and if/how they will be graded regarding the virtual gaming simulation. A clear understanding supports learning and promotes psychological safety during the virtual gaming simulation.

Adapt the debrief to meet learners’ needs

  • Learners’ needs are always the focus of the debrief as they make learning meaningful. Facilitators need to understand their learners so that the debriefing experience is designed to meet their learning needs.


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Using Virtual Gaming Simulation: An Educator's Guide Copyright © 2022 by Centennial College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.