Week 13: What Do I Know? How can I Assess my Teaching Practice?

LOC 13: Review assessments and evaluations specifically for adult learners with low technology skills

Learning Objectives

By the end of this week, participants will be able to:

  • 13.1 – Familiarize yourself with the KWL and the KWHLAQ charts


  • 13.2 – List a number of feedback questions to ask their students


  • 13.3 – Explore a variety of evaluation techniques

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Nothing we ever imagined is beyond our powers, only beyond our present self-knowledge.” Theodore Roszak

Materials Needed This Week

Here is a list of materials you will need while completing this week:

  • Writing utensils
  • Highlighters
  • Ruler
  • Sticky Notes
  • Dictionary/Glossary booklet
  • Handwritten Wisdom Journal Handwritten Wisdom Journal Icon
  • Blank paper
  • Computer/laptop

Key Terms

Add these key terms to your personal dictionary/glossary booklet. These important key terms will be used throughout module 3, week 13.  If there is no link attached to the definition, be assured that the term will be defined throughout the week. We encourage you to further investigate the definitions in order to expand your knowledge. 

  • Self-assessment
  • KWL chart
  • KWHLAQ chart
  • Feedback

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To teach is to learn twice.Joseph Joubert

Questions to Consider Icon Questions to Consider

1. Do you engage in assessments or evaluations of your own teaching practice? Daily, monthly, annually? If not, why?


2. Why is the KWL chart revised for the 21st-century learner?


3. Do you practice self-assessment in your learning or teaching practice?

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It’s ok to try things out, to ask questions, to feel unsure, to let your mind wander, to daydream, to ask for help, to experiment, to take time out, not to know, to practice, to ask for help again – and again, to make mistakes, to check your understanding.

                   — Jane Revell & Susan Norman


Review Icon Review

Consult the following resources and interpret the necessary information with your preferred method of note-taking. 


Video: Instructional Strategies – The KWL Strategy (4:01) 

Click here for a video transcript in .docx format: Video Transcript   



English- Group Map: KWHLAQ – Know, What, How, Learn, Actions, Questions (article)


Click on the PDF provided to see a KWL chart template. Feel free to fill it in or print it off.

KWL Template (PDF)


Click on the PDF provided to see a KWHLAQ chart template. Feel free to fill it in or print it off.

KWHLAQ Template (PDF)


Identify Icon Identify

Consult the following resources below to locate the important information on this week’s topic.  

Video: amplifiEDUcation Course: Upgrade your KWL Chart to the 21st Century (2:42)

Click here for a video transcript in .docx format: Video Transcript   


Develop Icon Develop

Click the following link to download the PDF to consult a research article.
The future of self-assessment in classroom practice: Reframing self-assessment as a core competency (PDF)


Apply Icon Apply

Complete the electronic 17 questions Adult Education Teacher Competencies Self-Assessment form provided below to determine areas for professional development.

U.S. Department of Education, Office of Vocational and Adult Education. (2011). Adult Education Teacher Competencies Self-Assessment (online questionnaire)

You may print or save a copy for your own personal future reference.

Takeaway Toolbox Icon Take Away Toolbox


Reflect Icon Reflect

Handwritten Wisdom Journal Icon Handwritten Wisdom Journal

A Wisdom Writing Journal is a way to notarize your learning journey throughout the weeks during all the modules in this course. It will also permit you to demonstrate that no technology is required to focus on reflective practice. There is a variety of writing journal tools that you can choose from that require technology, however, throughout this course, it is important that you experience and model a no-technology required method in order to relate to those students that have limited or no access to technology.


Take advantage of jotting down your thoughts, frustrations, joys, aha moments, and new information acquired as the result of your hard work. Critical reflection time required at the end of each week will be a culminating result of YOUR own personal Learning Narrative.


Using your own personal writing journal, write an entry for this week’s prompts:

  • How do you feel about experimenting with a variety of assessments in your practice? 


  • How would you rate your competency level as it pertains to the self-assessment form? 


  • Based on the information that you have learned this week, how would you review, identify, develop, apply, and reflect?

Note: Be sure to justify each of your answers or comments. 

Optional Resources

These resources are not required to be viewed; however, they give further information on this week’s topics:


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

The No-Tech Challenge: Teaching Adult Learners with Low-Tech Access Copyright © by Evelyn Diebel; Alison Loach; Miranda McKenzie; Danny Minor; and Marnie Seal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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