
3 Adding a Background Image

It’s time to add a background image to our scene. Background images make your story more immersive and provide a visual context for your writing.

It’s not possible to add images (or other media) directly to Twine through the app itself. Such media needs to be hosted on another website somewhere on the web. We will add the URL for the media to our Twine story so that it can find our media and load it from a remote location.

If your passages reference media, like images, sound or video, you will host those on an external server. The server needs to serve files with the ‘CORS’ header set. I have found that using the assets container in a basic https://glitch.com project works. And so does a website hosted by github pages.

1. Code for adding a 360 Background Image

Reach has a special code for adding background images. Basically you put the URL for the background image inside double-parentheses:


As practice, you can try adding the following background to one of the passages in your story:


Make sure the URL points directly to the image file itself. Some hosting or file sharing services like Google Drive, Dropbox, or OneDrive will provide you with a sharing link, but this will not work since the link connects to a web app, not the image data directly.


2. Required Format for Background Images

Your background image should be all of the following:

  • .jpg or .png format
  • Stretched as an ‘equirectangular’ projection
  • Not too big! Large images can take a long time to load. Consider resizing your image to 4096×2048 to start.
  • width should be 2x height
  • Width and height should be a ‘power of two’ e.g. 1024, 2048, 4096, etc. It’s not strictly necessary, but it helps speed up loading times for your scene.

About Equirectangular Projections

This is a common ‘stretched’ format that is created by 360 cameras, like the Ricoh Theta S, for example. It looks like an extreme panorama. If you try to use a flat image as a background instead, it will look pretty weird. But maybe that’s what you want!


If you don’t have a 360 camera handy, you can find CC-licensed images on the web. Try searching Flickr with the advanced search parameters for Creative Commons and panorama images enabled.
Also, you can hand-draw equirectangular backgrounds with a special perspective grid as a guide! Check out this article for ideas.

3. Advanced: Multiple Backgrounds (Layers)

You can install multiple backgrounds in a passage, as separate layers. The ‘inner’ backgrounds need to have transparent areas to let the ‘outer’ backgrounds show through. You also need to specify different distances for your backgrounds, to define the order in which they are layered.

As an example, try adding the following code to the same passage where you added the practice background:

Notice the “option” prepended to the background link. The syntax and usage of the option prefix will be explained in greater detail later. There are many options you can apply to links, panels and images, to customize their appearance.

If you download and look at the shapes.png file on its own, you’ll notice that it is mostly transparent, with a few shapes spread out. This will let it layer nicely on top of the photographic background.

By default, backgrounds are added at a “distance” of 1000. Background layers with a lower distance will render on top of layers with a higher distance. By comparison, link and text panels are at a default “distance” of 1 (approximately like 1m in virtual distance).

The shapes.png file demonstrates another way to create equirectangular backgrounds. It was modelled and rendered in Blender using the Cycles rendering engine, with the camera set to Equirectangular mode. You can find out more in the Blender documentation here.



Guide to Reach Copyright © by Michael Spears. All Rights Reserved.