

Thank-you for participating in the clinical education of our OTA&PTA students! Fieldwork experiences are critical to student development, offering opportunities to acquire essential skills and competencies required to function as an effective member of the health care team.

All fieldwork experiences should reflect the cooperative and collaborative working relationship between the OT/PT and the OTA&PTA. It is therefore, appropriate for the OTA&PTA to participate in the supervision of the student during their fieldwork experience, and to participate in or fully complete the evaluation form. The Clinical Supervisor (OT and/or PT) who assigned tasks to the assistant and/or student must review and sign the fieldwork evaluation form.

The form entitled “Canadian OTA &/or PTA Student Fieldwork Evaluation Form” is used to provide overall feedback on all student competencies. Students are also provided feedback on their skills development and goal attainment, including documentation. CS also verify hours spent at the placement site each week.


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OTA&PTA Fieldwork Placement Manual Copyright © 2021 by Centennial College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.