
Course Descriptions Semester 3 & 4

Centennial College OTA & PTA Program 
Course Descriptions: Semester 3 & 4


Semester 3


OTPT 301

Rehabilitation Practice 1

This course will prepare students for fieldwork placement, addressing the benefits of reflective practice, legal/ethical practices and portfolio building. The course will include a 5 week placement experience that will allow for the discovery of the role of the OTA/PTA within the settings where rehabilitation is delivered. Working along with a preceptor and under the supervision of an Occupational Therapist or Physiotherapist students will have the opportunity to demonstrate and practice their skills including following an established plan of care along with providing input to modify the plan.



OTPT 302  

Conditions Impacting Function 2

This course will introduce the student to advanced disabling conditions with multiple system involvement. Students will be able to describe the disorders associated with Neurological Conditions, Cognitive Disorders, Conditions of the Integumentary System and Pediatric Conditions by examining the nature of pathology, disease course, the impact on functional performance and general goals of rehabilitation, including the OTA/PTA role.



OTPT 303  

Physiotherapy Skills – Therapeutic Modalities

Students are taught the theory and application of physiotherapy modalities. Students will further their knowledge and skill by applying the different modalities which may be combined with the therapeutic exercises learned in the introductory course as they apply to the management of a variety of conditions. These Physiotherapy interventions will be integrated into the care plans for providing therapeutic treatment to clients.



OTPT 304  

Occupational Therapy Therapeutic Skills – part 2

Building on the knowledge and skill learned in part one of this course, students will now practice advanced techniques to apply in their Occupational Therapist Assistant role. Advanced activity analysis, including multiple performance components and the planning and delivery of remedial and compensatory treatment techniques will be practiced in a laboratory setting.




OTPT 308

Mental Health Concepts and Techniques

This course provides a general overview of common psychiatric disorders, their management, theories of mental illness and psychosocial practice. As well, current issues in mental health and social- cultural and developmental perspectives will be explored. To facilitate integration of theory and knowledge into practice consideration will be given to the role of the therapist as well as the OTA/PTA in this setting.


Semester 4


OTPT 401

Rehabilitation Practice 2

This consolidation experience will allow the student to practice and develop their skills in providing safe therapeutic care to clients following established plans of care under the direction of the occupational therapist and physiotherapist. Two 6-week placements will allow the student to consolidate both the roles of the OTA and PTA in specific settings.  Completion of a research assignment will allow students to discover best practices for their clinical area of practice and client population.


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OTA&PTA Fieldwork Placement Manual Copyright © 2021 by Centennial College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.