
Course Descriptions Semester 2

Centennial College OTA & PTA Program 
Course Descriptions: Semester 2


Semester 2


OTPT 201


Orientation to Rehabilitation Practice

This course will prepare students for fieldwork placement, addressing qualities of effective teamwork, workplace safety issues and portfolio preparation. The course will include a 10 day placement experience that will allow for the discovery of the role of the OTA/PTA within the settings where rehabilitation is delivered.



OTPT 202  

Conditions Impacting Function 1

Students will be introduced to a selection of common disabling conditions based on broad diagnostic categories, encompassing physical and psychosocial conditions specific to paediatric, adult and geriatric populations. Students will examine disorders associated with conditions in the following areas:  Orthopedic Conditions, Musculoskeletal Conditions, Connective Tissue Disorders and Diseases of the Circulatory, Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems by examining the nature of pathology, disease course, the possible impact on functional performance and role of rehabilitation professionals in treating clients with such conditions.




OTPT 204  

Physiotherapy Techniques – Therapeutic Exercise

Students will be introduced to the theory and practice related to the role of the Physiotherapist Assistant. Foundational exercise principles will be discussed and practiced as they apply to various conditions. The focus will be application of these techniques to common neurological, orthopaedic, cardio-respiratory and musculoskeletal conditions though lab work and collaborative learning techniques.



OTPT 206  

Occupational Therapy Therapeutic Skills – part 1

This course will introduce the student to both the theoretical and entry level practice skills of the Occupational Therapist Assistant. The emphasis will be on the application of activity analysis and grading of enabling as well as purposeful activities in the laboratory setting. Use of occupations in treatment and introductory adapted techniques will also be examined.




OTPT 207


Establishing Therapeutic Communication

Establishing effective communication skills is the key to providing therapeutic care. Students will learn the various methods that can be employed to connect with their clients on a level that promotes healing and helps motivate people to reach optimum health. Through role playing and modelling students will practice behaviours that lead to therapeutic interactions with clients in the various therapy settings and in various states of crisis.


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OTA&PTA Fieldwork Placement Manual Copyright © 2021 by Centennial College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.