
Strategies for Supporting Children and Youth In/Or from Care

OECT: Ontario Education Championship Team

OECT Hamilton, Brant, and Grand Erie

Road to success image

Welcome to “Strategies for Supporting Children and Youth in Care” provided by Ontario Education Championship Team (OECT) of Hamilton, Brant, and Grand Erie.

Our OECT consists of representatives from Children’s Aid Societies, School Boards, and Post-Secondary Institutions.

Here you will find information and resources to help with employment training and future career development in our local region.

We wish to promote awareness of local initiatives and provide strategies to get you started on your path to success.

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Proud Partners With:

The Children Aid Society of Hamilton Grand Erie District School Board. Learn, Lead, Inspire Mohawk College Logo
St. Leonard's Logo HWDSB Logo CCAS Hamilton Logo
McMaster University Wilfrid Laurier University


How to Use this Resource:

Please watch the following video to learn about how to use this resource.


Strategies for Supporting Children and Youth In/Or from Care Copyright © by OECT Hamilton, Brant, and Grand Erie. All Rights Reserved.