7.4 Les Magasins D’alimentation

Use the table below to review the vocabulary words related to specialty food shops. Listen to the French pronunciations using the following audio recording.
le supermarché | supermarket | |
le marché | farmer’s market | |
la fromagerie | cheese shop | |
la boucherie | butcher shop | |
la charcuterie | deli | |
la poissonnerie | fish shop | |
l’épicerie | local grocery store | |
le dépanneur (QC) | corner store | |
la boulangerie | bakery | |
la pâtisserie | pastry shop |
Le dépanneur
Les dépanneurs (also known as deps) are a type of corner store in Quebec. They are very popular given that they are always nearby, are open late, and sell beer, wine and food staples. The word comes from the French en panne, which means out of order or not working, so dépanneur would loosely translate as “get out of trouble” or “troubleshoot.”
Exercise 2: Les magasins d’alimentation
Complete the table below by writing in the items that you can buy at each of the specialty food shops. Don’t forget to include the correct partitive article.