2.4 The Verb Être

The verb être (to be) is an irregular verb in the present tense. In il/elle/on est form, the s is not pronounced. In the vous êtes form, the s is pronounced as a s or z to link with the vowel ê in êtes.
Person | French | English |
1st person | Je suis | I am |
2nd person | Tu es | You are |
3rd person | Il est Elle est On est |
He/it is She/it is One is/we are |
Person | French | English |
1st person | Nous sommes | We are |
2nd person | Vous êtes | You are (formal or plural) |
3rd person | Ils sont Elles sont |
They (masc.) are They (fem.) are |
Exercise 7: Être
Part A
Fill in the Blanks
Part B
Fill in the Blanks
This section includes content derived from Liberté, originally released under CC BY-NC-SA, and Tex’s French Grammar, originally released under CC BY 3.0.