7.1 Sur la Table

Use the table below to review the vocabulary words related to items found at the dinner table. Listen to the French pronunciations using the following audio recording.
un verre | glass | |
une tasse | cup | |
un bol | bowl | |
une assiette | plate | |
un couteau | knife | |
une fourchette | fork | |
une cuillère | spoon | |
la cuisine | kitchen | |
les repas | meals | |
le déjeuner (QC) | breakfast | |
le dîner (QC) | lunch | |
le souper(QC) | dinner |
Les repas
In Quebec, Switzerland and Belgium the three main meals are: le déjeuner, le dîner et le souper (breakfast, lunch and dinner). In France these meals have slightly different names: le petit-déjeuner, le déjeuner et le dîner.