3.2 Adjectives

An adjective is a word that describes a noun or pronoun. The major differences between adjectives in French and English are agreement and placement. In English, an adjective usually comes before the noun it modifies and it does not change. In French, an adjective is usually placed after the noun it modifies and must agree in gender and number with the noun.
Use the table below to review the vocabulary words that are examples of common adjectives. Listen to the French pronunciations using the following audio recording.
ennuyeux / ennuyeuse | boring | |
heureux / heureuse | happy | |
intelligent / intelligente | intelligent | |
intéressant / intéressante | interesting | |
nerveux / nerveuse | nervous | |
paresseux / paresseuse | lazy | |
sérieux / sérieuse | serious | |
sportif / sportive | athletic | |
timide | shy, timid | |
travailleur / travailleuse | hard-working | |
bon / bonne | good | |
grand / grande | tall, big | |
gros / grosse | big, fat | |
jeune | young | |
mauvais / mauvaise | bad | |
petit / petite | little |
In French, adjectives agree in both number (singular or plural) and gender (masculine or feminine) with the noun or pronoun they modify. For regular adjectives, the masculine form is the base form to which endings are added.
General Rules
Generally, the feminine adjective is formed by adding an e and the plural adjective is formed by adding s:
Gender | Singular | Plural |
Masculine | intelligent | intelligents |
Feminine | intelligente | intelligentes |
If the masculine singular ends in e: do not change feminine, add an s for plural:
Gender | Singular | Plural |
Masculine | timide | timides |
Feminine | timide | timides |
If the masculine singular adjective ends in an s, add an e for feminine and s for feminine plural, but do not add an s for masculine plural:
Gender | Singular | Plural |
Masculine | français | français |
Feminine | française | françaises |
Two other common changes occur with adjectives ending in f and x. If the masculine singular adjective ends in f, then it changes to ve in the feminine:
Gender | Singular | Plural |
Masculine | actif | actifs |
Feminine | active | actives |
If the masculine singular adjective ends in x, then it changes to se in the feminine (but remains x in the masculine plural):
Gender | Singular | Plural |
Masculine | heureux | heureux |
Feminine | heureuse | heureuses |
In French, most adjectives come after the noun, unlike in English where the adjective precedes the noun:
However, some adjectives are placed before the noun:
The following are adjectives commonly placed before the noun:
French | English |
Un beau livre. | A beautiful book. |
Un bon professeur. | A good professor. |
Un grand ordinateur. | A big computer. |
Un gros dictionnaire. | A fat dictionary. |
Une jeune fille. | A young girl. |
Un mauvais étudiant. | A bad student. |
Un nouveau sac à dos. | A new backpack. |
Un petit garçon. | A small boy. |
Exercise 1: Gender and Number in Adjectives
Fill in the Blanks
Exercise 2: Adjective Agreement
Fill in the Blanks
Exercise 3: People
Name people who fit each of the descriptions. Don’t forget to look up any words you don’t recognize.
- un acteur amusant
- une actrice sérieuse
- un homme paresseux
- un chanteur intelligent
- une femme ennuyeuse
- un film intéressant
- un grand pays
- une voiture sportive
- un bon acteur
- une mauvaise actrice
- un acteur canadien
- une jeune chanteuse
- une belle femme
- un beau film
- un petit pays
- une grosse voiture
This section includes content derived from Français Interactif, originally released under CC BY 3.0, Liberté, originally released under CC BY-NC-SA, and Tex’s French Grammar, originally released under CC BY 3.0.