3.1 La Date

Days of the Week
In French, the days of the week (les jours de la semaine) are not capitalized, and the week (la semaine) begins on Monday (lundi).
Use the table below to review the vocabulary words related to days of the week. Listen to the French pronunciations using the following audio recording.
le calendrier | the calendar | |
le jour | the day | |
Quels sont les jours de la semaine? | What are the days of the week? | |
lundi | Monday | |
mardi | Tuesday | |
mercredi | Wednesday | |
jeudi | Thursday | |
vendredi | Friday | |
samedi | Saturday | |
dimanche | Sunday | |
C’est quel jour? | What day is it? | |
C’est lundi. | It’s Monday. | |
aujourd’hui | today | |
demain | tomorrow | |
la semaine | the week | |
la semaine prochaine | next week | |
la semaine dernière | last week | |
le week-end ou le fin de semaine | the weekend |
Months and Dates
In French, the months (les mois) are also not capitalized. The date (la date) is written in the following manner: le + cardinal number + month. The only exception is the first of the month, which requires the use of an ordinal number (le premier/the first).
Use the table below to review the vocabulary words related to months and dates. Listen to the French pronunciations using the following audio recording.
Quelle est la date? | What’s the date? | |
C’est le premier septembre. | It’s September 1st. | |
C’est le deux octobre. | It’s October 2nd. | |
C’est le 30 août. | It’s August 30th. | |
le mois | the month | |
Quels sont les mois de l’année? | What are the months of the year? | |
janvier | January | |
février | February | |
mars | March | |
avril | April | |
mai | May | |
juin | June | |
juillet | July | |
août | August | |
septembre | September | |
octobre | October | |
novembre | November | |
décembre | December |