

Cracking The EGG!

The Educational Game Group (EGG) is a community of practice dedicated to game-based learning at the University of Ottawa. Created in September 2019, it brings together a group of about 15 individuals that use game-based strategies in a wide range of teaching or training activities. It includes professors from different faculties and departments (ArtsBiologyLawMedicine, etc.), support staff from various services (Academic Writing Help CentreHealth PromotionLibraryTeaching and Learning Support Service, etc.) and students from different disciplines.

on the strong belief that games can transform higher education and that this revolution will be fostered by a collective approach, The EGG is a forum to share experiences, generate new ideas and create interdisciplinary or cross-faculty collaborations.

The EGG first hatch!

This cookbook is our first collective work. We hope that you will get a bit of inspiration out of it. Mostly, we hope that you will realize that game-based learning offers valuable educational benefits and that most of these recipes do not need many ingredients or utensils.

We truly value feedback. If you have any questions or comments, please get in touch with us at the.egg.uottawa@outlook.com.

Gamefully yours,