
Book Title: Using Game-Based Learning Online – A Cookbook of Recipes

Author: The EGG

Cover image for Using Game-Based Learning Online – A Cookbook of Recipes

Book Description: Game-based learning is a teaching approach that uses different forms of games, and the strategies or mechanics associated with them, for educational purposes. It advocates a student-centred approach that allows learners to explore, fail and take up challenges in a safe environment. Game-based learning also supports students in autonomously exploring situations created by their professor. Additionally, games are likely to reinforce the students’ commitment to the learning process. In an educational context, these characteristics and qualities can greatly enhance student engagement, motivation and learning. This collection of recipes has been created to present game-based strategies to make online learning more stimulating and engaging for students. In this cookbook, an interdisciplinary panel of experts offers recipes for integrating different types of game-based learning activities in the context of remote teaching. An overview of game-based learning strategies will be provided, including trivia games, escape games, co-operative games, crossword puzzles, and more.

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Book Information




Open learning, distance education


Using Game-Based Learning Online – A Cookbook of Recipes
Primary Subject
Open learning, distance education
Additional Subject(s)
Adult education, continuous learning, For higher / tertiary / university education
Publication Date
July 20, 2020