
This open textbook has been compiled, edited and partially adapted by Adam Farag, PhD in partnership with the OER Design Studio and the Library Learning Commons at Fanshawe College in London, Ontario

This work is part of the FanshaweOpen learning initiative and is made available through a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License unless otherwise noted.

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We would like to acknowledge and thank the following authors/entities who have graciously made their work available for the remixing, reusing, and adapting of this text:

Where applicable, attributions which differ from the list above are noted within the chapters to which they refer.

A special thank you to Shelly Morris, PMP, a professor at Seneca College, for sharing some of her H5P interactives for this book.

This project is made possible with funding by the Government of Ontario and through eCampusOntario’s support of the Virtual Learning Strategy. To learn more about the Virtual Learning Strategy visit:


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About eCampusOntario

eCampusOntario is a not-for-profit corporation funded by the Government of Ontario. It serves as a centre of excellence in online and technology-enabled learning for all publicly funded colleges and universities in Ontario and has embarked on a bold mission to widen access to post-secondary education and training in Ontario. This textbook is part of eCampusOntario’s open textbook library, which provides free learning resources in a wide range of subject areas. These open textbooks can be assigned by instructors for their classes and can be downloaded by learners to electronic devices or printed for a low cost. These free and open educational resources are customizable to meet a wide range of learning needs, and we invite instructors to review and adopt the resources for use in their courses.


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We invite you to adapt this book further to meet your and your students’ needs. Please let us know if you do! If you would like to use Pressbooks, the platform used to make this book, contact eCampusOntario for an account using or contact your academic institution to inquire whether an existing pressbooks account is already available for you to use.

If this text does not meet your needs, please check out our full library at If you still cannot find what you are looking for, connect with colleagues and eCampusOntario to explore creating your own open education resource (OER).


This project was a collaboration between the author and the team in the OER Design Studio at Fanshawe.  The following staff and students were involved in the creation of this project:

  • Samantha Diamond – Copyeditor
  • Robert Armstrong, Megan Tuckey, Lauren Rowe – Graphic Design 
  • Michele Halle-Shook – Instructional Designer
  • Davandra Earle – Ancillary Developer
  • Shauna Roch – Project Manager
  • Andrew Stracuzzi- Quality Assurance


  • Dr. David McKenna, Professor, Fanshawe College
  • Rebecca McKitterick, Professor, Fanshawe College
  • Debbie Patterson, Professor, Fanshawe College
  • Cher Powers, Research Coordinator and Professor, Loyalist College


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Essentials of Project Management Copyright © 2021 by Adam Farag is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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