Book Title: Essentials of Project Management

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Book Description: The Essentials of Project Management is designed specifically for college students enrolled in a business program including business accounting, administration, supply chain and human resources. It describes the project management process and the role of the project manager in implementing such a process. The book is designed to help students build understanding of the importance and applications of project management.Book Analytic Dashboard
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Book Description
The Essentials of Project Management is designed specifically for college students enrolled in a business program including business accounting, administration, supply chain and human resources. The text is organized into fourteen chapters covering the project management process and the role of the project manager in implementing such a process. The book includes business case studies and interactive exercises in each chapter. This educational resource is conveniently presented in a variety of AODA-compliant formats and written in a reader-friendly style. The book is designed to help students build understanding of the importance and applications of project management.
Essentials of Project Management Copyright © 2021 by Adam Farag is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
Business and Management