Unit 3: Generational Differences
Activity 1: Generational Differences
A generation is defined as “an identifiable group that shares birth years, age, location, and significant life events at critical developmental stages” (Kupperschmidt, 2000). Each generation shares similar collective experiences and life events as well as thoughts, values and behaviors (Tolbize, 2008).
Which generation do you belong to?
Part A: Reflection
Part B: Watch the Video and Respond to the Question
Watch the YouTube video below (08:51 minutes) about generational differences.
Are they any experiences you have that are confirmed by the video? Are there any experiences that are different for you?
Generations X, Y, and Z: Which One Are You?
Since you’re on the Internet right now you’ve probably already noticed that this space is pretty much dominated by a younger crowd. You’ve likely heard them referred to as “Millennials”. Or is it Gen Z? And how are they different from Generations X and Y? And how can you make heads or tails of which one you belong to, and what defines your generation? According to sociologist Karl Mannheim, it all comes down to “generational location,” meaning that all members of a generation share a similar collective experience.
Source: Bright Side’s channel (YouTube)
Part C: Listening for Details
Part D: Critical Thinking
Critical Thinking
Part E: Mini-Writing
For your convenience, you can download an MS Word version of the activities to work on your device or print and fill by hand.