
Trauma-Informed Teaching

Jess VanHal, Jessica Chinnick, Kiersten Chomiak, Charlotte Mesman, Victoria Baerstoen


Please cite this as:

VanHal, J., Chinnick, J., Chomick, K., Mesman, C., & Baerstoen, V. (2022, April 1). Trauma-informed teaching. Classroom Practice in 2022. Retrieved [date], from https://ecampusontario.pressbooks.pub/educ5202/chapter/trauma-informed-teaching/

Our Summary of the Podcast

Within this podcast, we identify several components of trauma-informed teaching and discuss its relevance within the world of education. Jess Chinnick addresses the definition of trauma and the significance of adopting a trauma-informed lens. Jessica VanHal discusses how trauma-informed teaching has been applied in practice by interviewing a Kindergarten teacher in the Lambton-Kent District School Board. Victoria Baertsoen addresses the opportunities presented in trauma-informed teaching by reaching out to an elementary school teacher in the St. Clair Catholic District School Board. Charlotte Mesman talks about challenges that can occur while implementing trauma-informed teaching and gained some of this information through a discussion with a Windsor Essex Catholic District School Board faculty member. Finally, Kiersten Chomiak addresses how we can overcome these challenges by highlighting various strategies discussed by an elementary school teacher from the Ottawa Catholic School Board. Overall, trauma-informed teaching is extremely valuable, and this podcast supports that by promoting a trauma-informed lens in educational settings.


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