

    • An Acadian Parish Remembered: The Registers of St. Jean-Baptiste, Annapolis Royal, 1702-1755, https://open.canada.ca/data/en/dataset/df77cdc9-9b34-d843-8df3-db5fba28d204 (Module 2.2)
    • “An Act for the Quieting of Possessions to the Protestant Grantees of the Lands formerly occuppied [sic] by the French Inhabitants, and for preventing vexatious Actions relating to the same.” At the General Assembly of the Province of Nova Scotia, August 1759, 33 George II – Chapter 3 (Session 1). Source: British North American Legislative Database, University of New Brunswick. (Module 5.2)
    • Description of l’Acadie with the names of the parishes and the number of inhabitants, (1748) (Description de l’Acadie avec le nom des paroisses et le nombre des habitants, 1748 ) COL C11A 87/fol.363-364vCABAC_PIAF_53248_CABAC_PIAF_53248, https://nouvelle-france.org/fra/Pages/item.aspx?IdNumber=25359& (Module 1.1)
    • Grand Captaine des Anglois… , 28 July 1721, Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society 2nd series, volume 8, pp.25963. (Module 4.1)
    • List of indentured.(engagés) for the Compagnie de l’Isle St-Jean in 1720, Les Archives  départementales de la Charente-Maritime, 3E 592 fol. 29-34, 3E 592 fol. 120. 3E 574  fol. 102v-103
      http://www.archinoe.fr/console/ir_instrument_consulte.php?id=19&html=1&pdf=1&doc=1&ead=            1&img=1&l=400&pli=1&mod=1&lic=120&lir=120&cli=1&rs=1&ra=1&rc=1&rr=1&ru=1&c=207 59&n=1 &a=0&k =1583fbdb41afa21c73ca4b4f523f49c5
    • Lettre des Abénaquis au roi de France pour obtenir son appui alors que les Anglais cherchent à s’emparer de leurs terres, vers 1715. C11A-1 fol. 266-267v. https://recherche-collection-search.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/home/record?app=fonandcol&IdNumber=2318386 (Module 4.1)
    • List of Settlers brought from Newport in Rhode Island to Falmouth in the Sloop Sally Jonathan Lovett master in May 1760. Isaac Deschamps Nova Scotia Archives, MG 1 volume 258 item 2
      https://archives.novascotia.ca/deschamps/archives/?ID=2 (Module 5.2)
    •  Mémoire on the missions of the sauvages micmac and of l’acadie post 1715-1716 (Mémoires sur les missions des Sauvages Mikmak et de l’intérieur de l’Acadie post 1715-1716) https://nouvelle-france.org/eng/Pages/item.aspx?IdNumber=9489& (Module 1.1)
    • Secret Mémoir sent to the Regent Duc d’Orléans on the limits of Acadia, on what he observed on by the Papers which have been given to him on the matter of the objectionable conduct of M. the Marquis de Vaudreuil and Mr. de Saint-Ovide and on the intentions of the English to encroach the lands of France (7 January 1720)”, in Rapport de l’archiviste de la province de Québec pour 1922-1923 (Québec, Ls-A Proulx,  1923), p. 80-82 (Mémoire secret a M. Le Duc d’Orléans, Régent, sur les limites de l’Acadie, sur ce qu’il lui a paru, par les papiers qui lui ont été remis sur cette matière, de répréhensible dans la conduite de M. le Marquis de Vaudreuil et de M.de Saint-Ovide et sur l’intention qu’ont les Anglais a empiéter sur les terres de France (7 janvier 1720).
    • Petition to Monkton from the inhabitants of Beaubassin”, in Leicester Harmsworth ed. The Northcliffe Collection (Ottawa, F. A. Acland, 1936), p. 33-34. (Module 5.1)
    • Recensement General du Pays de la Cadie, 1685-1686, Dalhousie University Archives, MS-6–13. https://dalspace.library.dal.ca/bitstream/handle/10222/15754/MS-6-13A1_DeGargas_Census.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y (a published transcribed copy can be found in “General Census of the Country of Acadie, 1687–1688,” in William Inglis Morse, ed., Acadiensia Nova, Vol. 1, (London: Quaritch, 1935), p. 144–55. (Module 2.1)
    • Return of the families Settled in the Townships of Horton, Cornwallis, Falmouth and Newport in Kings County together with the numbers of persons said families consist of and of their Stock of Cattle and Grain and Roots raised the present year 1763. Isaac Deschamps Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 volume 258 item 23 page 125, https://archives.novascotia.ca/deschamps/archives/?ID=23 (Module 5.2)
    • To his Excellency the Honble. Charles Lawrence, Lieutenant Governor and Commander in Chief of His Britannic Majesty’s Province of Nova Scotia and Colonel of One of His  Regiments of Infantry &c. &c. &c.”, in Thomas B. Akins, ed. Selections from the Public  Documents of the Province of Nova Scotia (Halifax, C. Annand, 1869), p. 261-262. (Translation of the Memorial from the French inhabitants of Annapolis River presented at a  council held at the Governor’s house in Halifax on Friday July 25 1755 to Charles Lawrence  and response.) (Module 5.1)
    • To the Honorable Charles Lawrence, President of the King’s Council, Commander in Chief of Nova Scotia, Lieutenant Governor of Annapolis Royal, Lieutenant Colonel of a Regiment of Infantry”, in Thomas B. Akins, ed. Selections from the Public Documents of the Province of Nova Scotia (Halifax, C. Annand, 1869), p. 263-267. (Translation of the Pisiquid, Menis (Mines) and River Canard deputies’ address at a council held at the Governor’s house in Halifax on Friday July 28 1755 to Charles Lawrence and  response.)(Module 5.1)


    •  Armstrong, Lawrence. Order to Bourg & Mangeant to Visit Chippody, May 5 1738.  https://archives.novascotia.ca/heartland/archives/?Number=Two&Page=221&Language=&Search=bourg
    • Pierre Biard, Relation de la Nouvelle France, 1616,  Reuben Gold Thwaites, The Jesuit Relation and Allied Documents vol. III (Cleveland, Burrows Brother Company, 1896), https://archive.org/details/jesuitrelationsa0003jesu/page/282/mode/2up p.38-283  and https://archive.org/details/jesuitrelationsa0004jesu/page/6/mode/2up,  (Original, https://www.canadiana.ca/view/oocihm.03581/3) (Module 3.1)
    • Couaret Antoine and Pierre. Couaret Antoine and Pierre to Philipps, 2 Oct 1720, CO217-3, f. 155. (Module 4.1)
    • Voyage fait par le Sr De La Roque arpenteur du Roy, par ordre de Monsieur le comte de Raymond… 1752. [Journey made by Sieur De La Roque surveyor to the King] Original manuscript, Library and Archives Canada,  MG1, G1, [ID# 2319433]. (Module 2.1)
    •  de Paris, Ignace, excerpt from “Letter from the Capuchin Father R. P. Ignatius.” In PH. F. Bourgeois, Les Anciens Missionnaires de l’Acadie Devant l’histoire ( Shédiac, Presses du moniteur acadien, 1910), p. 88-97 https://numerique.banq.qc.ca/patrimoine/details/52327/2021849#:~:text=Voici%20les%20principaux%20missionnaires%20Sulpiciens,Desenclaves%2C%20%22%20Le%20Loutre%2C%20» (Module 3.1)
    • Recensement General du Pays de la Cadie, 1685-1686, Dalhousie University Archives, MS-6–13. [General Census of Acadia] (a published transcribed copy can be found in “General Census of the Country of Acadie, 1687–1688,” in William Inglis Morse, ed., Acadiensia Nova, Vol. 1, (London: Quaritch, 1935), p. 144–55. (Module 2.1)
    • Recensement Général fait au mois de Novembre mille sept cent huit de Tous les Sauvages de l’Acadie, 1708, Edward E. Ayer Digital Collection, MSS 4, (transcription) 751. (Module 2.1)
    • Gyles, John. Memoirs of odd adventures, strange deliverances, &c. in the captivity of John Gyles, Esq; commander of the garrison on St. George’s River. Written by himself. ; Eight lines in English from Homer’s Odyssey (Boston, in N.E.: Printed and sold by S. Kneeland and T. Green, in Queen-Street, over against the prison., MDCCXXXVI. [1736]).
    • Hopson, Peregrine. “Extract from Instructions to the Officers Commanding the Fort at Vieux Logis and Fort Edward”, in Thomas B. Akins, ed. Selections from the Public Documents of the Province of Nova Scotia (Halifax, Charles. Annand Publishers, 1869), p. 197-198.
    • Lawrence, Charles. “Governor Lawrence to Col. Monkton, Halifax, 31 July 1755”, in Thomas B. Akins, ed. Selections from the Public Documents of the Province of Nova Scotia  (Halifax, Charles. Annand Publishers, 1869), p. 267-269. (Module 5.1)
    • LeClercq, Chrestien. New Relation of Gaspesia, 1691, excerpts from chapter VII, “On the Ignorance of the Gaspesians,” William F. Ganong, trans. (Toronto, The Champlain Society, 1910) https://archive.org/details/newrelationofgas05lecl/page/n9/mode/2up (Original, https://archive.org/details/nouvellerelation00lecl/page/n1/mode/2up ) (Module 3.1)
    • Le Guerne, François. Copy of a letter from the missionary François Le Guerne to Jacques Prevost de  La Croix, a copy of which was sent to Augustin de Drucour, (Copie d’une lettre du missionnaire François Le Guerne à Jacques Prevost de La Croix et dont une copie a été adressée à Augustin de Drucour), Archives nationales d’outre-mer (France) COL C11A 87/fol.388-399v
      CABAC_PIAF_53254_CABAC_PIAF_53254 https://nouvelle-france.org/fra/Pages/item.aspx?IdNumber=25365&
    • Le Loutre, Jean-Louis, Letter 1 Oct, 1738, Musée de la civilisation, fonds d’archives du Séminaire de Québec, https://collections.mcq.org/objets/268460 (Module 3.1)
    • Little, Otis. The State of Trade in the Northern Colonies Considered; with An Account of their Produce, And a particular DESCRIPTION of NOVA SCOTIA. ( London, G. Woodfall, 1748) https://archive.org/details/stateoftradeinno00littuoft/page/n7/mode/2up
    • Maillard, Pierre, Letter 1 Oct, 1738, Musée de la civilisation, fonds d’archives du Séminaire de Québec, https://collections.mcq.org/objets/270886 (Module 3.1)
    • Letter 13 Oct, 1751 ,Musée de la civilisation, fonds d’archives du Séminaire de Québec, https://collections.mcq.org/objets/270890(Module 3.1)
    • — Excerpt of a “letter from M. l’Abb Maillard on the Missions of l’Acadie and particularly on the Mi’kmaq Missions, sent to Monsieur de Lalane, grand vicar of Langres et superior of the Missions trangres seminary in Paris”, in Les Soires Canadiennes, Recueil de littrature Nationale (Qubec, Brousseau frres, 1863), p.310317. https://numerique.banq.qc.ca/patrimoine/details/52327/2612626#:~:text=La%20revue%20mensuelle%20Les%20Soirées,des%20documents%20historiques%20d%27importance. (Module 3.1)
    • Mascarene, Paul. “Governor Mascarene to M. Des Enclaves”, 29 June 1741, in Thomas B. Akins, ed. Selections from the Public Documents of the Province of Nova Scotia (Halifax, Charles. Annand Publishers, 1869), p. 111-112.
    • Monkton, Robert. “Lieut.-Colonel Monkton’s Journal of 1755” in John Clarence Webster, ed., The Forts of Chignecto: A Study of the Eighteenth Century Conflict between France and Great Britain in Acadia (Published by the Author, 1930). (Module 5.1)
    • Morris, Charles. Description and State of the New Settlements in Nova Scotia in 1761 by the Crown Surveyor ,  Report on Canadian Archives, 1904 (Ottawa, Dept of Agriculture, 1904), p. 289-301. (Module 5.2)
    • Perrault, Julien. “Relation of certain details regarding the Island of Cape Breton and its Inhabitants,” 1635. In Reuben Gold Thwaites, The Jesuit Relation and Allied Documents vol. VIII (Cleveland, Burrows Brother Company, 1897), p. 157-167. https://archive.org/details/jesuitrelationsa0008jesu/page/156/mode/2up himages. (Original, https://www.canadiana.ca/view/oocihm.39081/213 (Module 3.1)
    • Pichon, Thomas. Genuine letters and memoirs, relating to the natural, civil, and commercial history of the Islands of Cape Breton, and Saint John: from the first settlement there, to the taking of Louisburg by the English, in 1758: In which, among many interesting particulars, the causes and previous events of the present war are explained (London, J. Nourse, 1760), pp. 304-26. https://archive.org/details/genuinelettersme00pich/page/304/mode/2up (Module 5.1)
    • Raymond, Jean-Louis, (Comte de). The Comte de Raymond to the Minister. Louisbourg. 19 Novembre 1751 (Le comte de Raymond au ministre) Archives nationales d’outre-mer (France)COL C11B 31/fol.62-63 CABAC_PIAF_179164_CABAC_PIAF_179164. https://nouvelle-france.org/fra/Pages/item.aspx?IdNumber=11926&
    • Richard, André, “Of what Occurred at Miscou,” 1644. In Reuben Gold Thwaites,The Jesuit Relation and Allied Documents XXVIII (Cleveland, Burrows Brother Company, 1898), p. 23-37.https://archive.org/details/jesuitrelationsa0028jesu/page/22/mode/2up (Module 3.1)
    • Rowlandson Mary White.The soveraignty & goodness of God: together, with the faithfulness of his promises displayed: being a narrative of the captivity and restauration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson: commended by her, to all that desires to know the Lords doings to, and dealings with her: especially to her dear children and relations. (Cambridge, printed by Samuel Green, 1682). Fifth and Sixth Removes: Excerpt from Mary White Rowlandson [Opens in new window] Whole document: Narrative of Mary White Rowlandson [Opens in new window] Original 1682 https://archive.org/details/soveraigntygoodn00rowl/page/n3/mode/2up (Module 3.2)
    • Shirley, William, “Letter from William Shirley, Governor of the Massachusetts Bay, to the Board of Trade, 16 October 1744”, in Correspondence of William Shirley : governor of Massachusetts and military commander in America, 1731-1760 (New York, MacMillan, 1912), p. 150-51. (Shirley’s declaration of war [link opens in new window] (Module 1.2)
    • Thury,Louis-Pierre . extract from “a letter from Sieur de Thury, missionary, October 11. 1698.” (“Extraits des lettres reçues de l’Acadie de M. Villebon le 16 octobre 1698…”) https://nouvelle-france.org/fra/Pages/item.aspx?IdNumber=7243& (Module 3.1)
    • Tibierge, M. “Report on What I Have Seen Since My Arrival Upon the Shores of Acadia. Up  to September 30. 1695”, in John Clarence Webster, ed. Acadia at the end of the seventeenth century; letters, journals and memoirs of Joseph Robineau de Villebon, commandant in  Acadia,  1690-1700, and other contemporary documents ( Saint John N.B.,1934), p. 141- 144.      
    • —      “Report on Acadia.. October 4. 1695 to October 27. 1696”, in John Clarence Webster, ed. Acadia at the end of the seventeenth century; letters, journals and memoirs of Joseph Robineau de Villebon, commandant in Acadia, 1690-1700, and other contemporary documents ( Saint John N.B.,1934), p. 144-151.
    • —        “Memoir on the Present State of Acadia, At Fort Nashwaak, June 30 1697”, in John  Clarence Webster, ed. Acadia at the end of the seventeenth century; letters, journals and  memoirs of Joseph Robineau de Villebon, commandant in Acadia, 1690-1700, and other contemporary documents ( Saint John N.B., 1934), p. 152-155.
    • Villebon, Joseph Robineau de. “Memoir on the Coast Fisheries of Acadia and the Method of Conducting them, 27 Oct. 1699”, in John Clarence Webster, ed. Acadia at the end of the  seventeenth century; letters, journals and memoirs of Joseph Robineau de Villebon, commandant in Acadia 1690-1700, and other contemporary documents (Saint John N.B., 1934), p. 138-140.
    • —        “Villebon’s Last Journal sent to Count Pontchartrain, Fort St. John, October 27, 1699″ in John Clarence Webster, ed. Acadia at the end of the seventeenth century; letters, journals   and memoirs of Joseph Robineau de Villebon, commandant in Acadia, 1690-1700, and  other contemporary documents (Saint John N.B., 1934), p. 120-127.
    • Willard, Abijah. “Journal of Abijah Willard of Lancaster, Mass. An Officer in the Expedition Which Captured Fort Beausejour in 1755”, in Collections of the New Brunswick Historical Society, No. 13 (Saint John, N.B. Barnes & Co, Limited, 1930), p. 12-75. (Module 5.1)
    •  Winslow, John. Journal of Colonel Winslow of the Provincial troops while engaged in the  Siege of Fort Beausejour in the summer and Autumn of 1755. (Module 5.1)





    • A Large and Particular Plan of Shegnekto Bay and the Circumjacent Country with the Forts and Settlements of the French till dispossessed by the English in June 1755. Drawn on the Spot by an Officer. (Module 5.1)
    • Carte Des Possessions Francoises et Angloises dans le Canada et Partie de la Louisiane (1756). Source: Bibliothèque nationale de France. (Module 1.2)
    • Coronelli, Vincenzo. America Settentrionale, 1688, Library of Congress. (Module 1.2)
    • l’Hermitte, Jacques. Carte de l’Isle Royale, rectifiée sur les anciennes, sur l’original des sauvages, & les Observations faites en 1716 & 1717 [reprinted, Jacques Bellin, Paris, 1744] (Module 1,2)
    • Mitchell, John. A map of the British and French dominions in North America, with the roads, distances, limits, and extent of the settlements, humbly inscribed to the Right Honourable the Earl of Halifax, and the other Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners for Trade & Plantations, 1755, Library of Congress. (Module 1.2)
    • Montrésor, John, and Andrew Dury. Map of Nova Scotia, or Acadia; with the islands of Cape Breton and St. John’s, from actual surveys. London; Printed & sold by A. Dury, 1768. Map. https://www.loc.gov/item/74696153/. (Module 1.1)
    • Morris Charles.  A Map of Minas Bason [sic] and Cobequid Bay, 1761. Public Archives of Canada, Annual Report, 1905. (Module 5.2)
    • —  A Chart of the Sea Coasts of the Peninsula of Nova Scotia, 1755.  Norman B. Leventhal Map & Education Center. https://collections.leventhalmap.org/search/commonwealth:hx11z491q (Module 5.2)
    • —  A chart of the peninsula of Nova Scotia,  1761, Library of Congress. https://www.loc.gov/item/74691224/ (Module 5.2)
    • Thornton, John. A chart of the sea coast of New Foundland, New Scotland, New England, New York, New Jersey, with Virginia and Maryland (1689). (Module 1.2)




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Settler Colonialism in Acadie/Mi'kma'ki Copyright © by Daniel Samson, Thomas Peace, Renee Girard is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.