
3 Create

Chapter 3 Check-in:

  • Structure to build your idea
  • Introduction, Body, Conclusion


Structure is essential for effective communication.  This framework is your starting point.  Three components are necessary: an introduction, the body, and a conclusion.  Each part contains material specific to the function of that section.  In every situation, the context, audience, and purpose direct the communicator as to what information to place where.

Writing techniques adapt to the situation and purpose of the communication.  Many writers follow the “Five Paragraph” essay format, others follow the Toulmin argument structure (Claim, Grounds, Warrant, Qualifier, Rebuttal, Backing) [Toulmin, n.d.): your audience and purpose determines which is best for you to use.  The three-part structure (Introduction, Body, and Conclusion) is valid for each method.


A solid introduction engages the reader or listener and encourages them to read or listen to more.  While you provide an overview of what you are going to discuss, a good introduction doesn’t overwhelm the audience with too much detail.  Lastly, be clear why the audience should care about your subject: this starts the “so what” to make the topic relevant to them.  You will find most introductions contain these three details frequently in this order; that doesn’t mean you can’t change the order up, or combine all three in one statement.  That’s determined by the audience, and your purpose.

Get the Audience’s Attention:  Film producers call this “Bring on the Bears”.  Grab the audience’s attention early to keep them engaged.  Some ways of attention getting include:

  • Ask a question
  • Make a startling statement
  • Use a fact
  • Use a famous quotation
  • Provide a definition

Remember, this sets the tone for your communication and shapes the expectations for the audience.  Try not to overpromise.

State your Purpose or Thesis:  You need a clear purpose statement or thesis to identify the subject area, and what your attitude towards it is.  These statements can be one or more sentences depending on your subject and purpose.  Explicitly state the subject and your attitude towards it.  When writing, you are the expert so do not put your purpose or thesis in the form of a question as it can leave the audience wondering if you are clear on your purpose.  Organization points can be included to provide the audience an overview of what support you will use to explore your subject and explain your approach.

Just last week I had to take the bus.      Not acceptable: no clear subject or attitude.

Public transportation is important.          Better: subject and attitude clear.

Municipal government support of public transportation is essential for citizens to access work and leisure destinations without negatively impacting the environment or economy.   

Best: subject well defined, support areas identified, and attitude conveyed.

Provide context and direction:  This is your opportunity to explain why and how this is an important topic and perhaps what action needs to be taken.


Once you have collected all necessary information, and evaluated your sources, it’s time to put that material in the best order for your audience.  The organization and content should depend on what you want to achieve and what the audience needs.

While the actual content and order changes, the basic structure for paragraphs remains constant.  The number of paragraphs and the internal structure for each is based on the context, end goal, and style of the writer.

Each paragraph contains a topic sentence, support statements, transitions between points and finally, a concluding or transitional sentence that bring you to the next main support.  As the paragraph represents a key element of the writer’s approach to the subject, each paragraph has a unique point to develop.

Paragraphs are like rooms within your home: each has its own purpose and contains items specific to that room’s purpose.  You don’t expect to find the shower in the kitchen (unless you are living on a boat or camper).

The topic sentence states the main idea of the paragraph.  It can appear anywhere within the paragraph. Support statements relate directly to the topic sentence. Transition words and phrases link the supports to create a foundation for the topic sentence.  Wrapping up the content helps provide clarity for the audience before introducing the next main point in the following paragraph.


Cliffhangers are great for serial videos and books, or anything where your main goal is to keep your audience committed to following you.  However, most communication has an end and so a conclusion is necessary to make the overall piece satisfying for the audience.  Reword your subject or purpose and remind the audience of the topic’s relevance and importance.  End with some memorable words: your last chance to make an impression.  Conclusions bookend introductions: if you started with a question, answer it in the conclusion.  Other ways to tie everything together include making a prediction for the future; using a quotation or statistic; or you could finish the anecdote begun in the introduction.


Visuals have always played an important role in communicating with someone else or a group of people.  Images encourage personal connection with an audience.  Venngage Inc. notes that in 2019, almost 75% of marketers use visuals in their promotional material and that percentage is growing.

Incorporating visuals into your work is more than slapping a photo into a blog post or a graphic into a brochure.  You use visuals for several reasons: clarify complicated information including data; establish and maintain a relationship with the audience; connect personally through storytelling; simplify workflow processes; and use colour to attract and identify.

Compelling or beautiful images are very attractive to include and can result in a great looking piece of communication.  It is, however, more important to be effective in your selection and use of visuals.  If it distracts from your content, then it isn’t really an effective visual.

The anagram PICS can help remind you of the principles of using visuals: Personal, Inform, Clarify, Simplify.


Choose images or visuals that connect with your target audience.  When the audience is incredibly diverse in culture and language, search for simple images that have universal meaning.  Check image suggestions and templates online [see Information Literacy, Chapter 6 in this Handbook].  Effective images are personal and can create or break connections so choose with your audience and purpose in mind.


Your use of a visual should inform the audience, not distract.  Avoid using a visual for the sake of using a visual: It must serve a purpose to your content.  If it doesn’t add to the understanding of your material, re-think using a visual (or that specific visual).


Using a visual should clarify the material for the audience, and not make it more difficult to understand.  It must relate to the subject or be a common and clear analogy.  For example, when exploring personal conflicts, using a pineapple to illustrate a difficult person may be more difficult to understand than a skunk or porcupine.  You want the connection between your symbol and the topic to be very clear.


When selecting images to enhance your content, simple is better.  Minimize background distractions and diversions: you are not creating a “Where’s Waldo” or find the differences between these two pictures.  Images you pick to accompany or represent your message need to be simple and single so your purpose is not difficult to grasp.

Chapter 3 Check-out:

  • Structure in three parts
  • Purposeful communication

How does your purpose shape the structure of your writing?


J.R. Dingwall, Chuck Labrie, Trecia McLennan, Laura Underwood. (2017. Updated 2021 Niagara College version) Professional Communications Chapter 6 Using Visuals.  [Online] https://ecampusontario.pressbooks.pub/profcommsontario/chapter/using-visuals/

Midori Nediger. (August 27, 2020). How to use Visual Communication: Definition, Examples, Templates. Venngage.  [online]  https://venngage.com/blog/visual-communication/

Midori Nediger. (November 19, 2019). Common Symbols and Meaning: How to Use Them in Design.  Venngage. [online] https://venngage.com/blog/symbols-and-meanings/

Toulmin Argument. (n.d.). Online Writing Lab (OWL). Purdue University. [Online] https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/general_writing/academic_writing/historical_perspectives_on_argumentation/toulmin_argument.html