
Book Title: Communicate with Style: A Handbook for Personal Care Trades

Author: Wendy Ward

Book Description: Writing Handbook for Hairstylists

Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike


Book Information

Book Description

Personal care trades such as Hairstyling require specific technical abilities and excellent interpersonal communication.  The Ontario Government Essential Employability Skills standards for Hairstyling, and Niagara College’s first term Communication Course for Trades (Hairstyling), are the principles guides for this text to address the unique communications requirements of the profession.

Foundational communication skills, examined in the context and application of working in a salon, contribute to the development of personal communication style.  Writing techniques and tips are included to de-mystify and streamline the approach to plan, draft, and revise any communication experience and make the process easier.

A Focus Group of professional stylists reviewed the materials and contributed scenario examples drawing on real life experiences.  Wendy Ward, Niagara College professor of Communications since 2007, wrote the text drawing on her professional and academic experience.  This text was possible with funding received from the Virtual Learning Strategy grant from eCampusOntario.


Wendy Ward


Communication studies


Communicate with Style: A Handbook for Personal Care Trades
Wendy Ward
Primary Subject
Communication studies