
Professional Report

Professional Report Conventions:  A professional report is often aimed at solving a problem that a company or organization has encountered. This style of writing is typically action-oriented, and involves a large amount of research and critical reflection on an issue. As you can see from the table of contents below, professional reports are often very structured and detailed in nature.  In the case of this particular report, you will note that it concludes with proposals and a MLA Works Cited page (yes – you may have to actually cite and reference when you get out into your industry!)

Click on the link below to access the full report:

Chaze, F., Osborne, B., & Howe, T. (2017). Halton Region youth in/at risk research report. Publications and Scholarship 1.  Retrieved from https://source.sheridancollege.ca/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1000&context=fahcs_publications

Table of Contents
I. Acknowledgements……………………………………….. 3
II. Background………………………………………………….. 5
III. Introduction …………………………………………………. 6
IV. What We Did………………………………………………… 9
V. What Service Providers Said …………………………..11
VI. 1. Defining Terms……………………………………….12
VII. 2. The Needs of Youth…………………………………13
VIII. i. Vulnerable Populations…………………………….19
IX. 3. Gaps in service ………………………………………. 24
X. 4. Challenges ……………………………………………… 27
XI. What Youth Said …………………………………………. 34
XII. Recommendations and Fundable Solutions …… 40
XIII. 1. Infrastructure…………………………………………… 40
XIV. 2. Funding………………………………………………….. 43
XV. 3. Mental Health …………………………………………. 45
XVI. 4. Wrap around services……………………………….. 46
XVII. 5. Accessible arts and crafts programs …………… 47
XVIII. 7. Programs to support Indigenous youth ……… 49
XIX. 8. Programs to support LGBTQ+ youth………… 50
XX. Appendix 1: Youth-Serving Agency Profiles …….51
XXI. ArtHouse……………………………………………………..51
XXII. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Halton………………… 52
XXIII.Bridging the Gap- Halton Children’s’ Aid Society54
XXIV. Halton Youth Justice Program……………………… 56
XXV. Kerr Street Mission ……………………………………… 59
XXVI.ROCK (Reach Out Centre for Kids)………………. 60
XXVII. YMCA of Oakville………………………………….. 63
XXVIII. Town of Oakville Youth Centres ……………… 65
XXIX.Appendix 2: Phase 1 Interview Questions………. 67
XXX. Appendix 3: Phase 1 Survey Questions ………….. 72
XXXI.Halton In/At Risk Youth Research
Project: Indigenous Youth……………………………. 72
XXXII. Halton In/At Risk Youth Research Project: A
School Board………………………………………………. 73
XXXIII. Appendix 4: Proposal for Newcomer Youth 77
XXXIV. Appendix 5: Phase 2 Focus Group Questions78
XXXV. Appendix 6: Works Cited………………………… 79  


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