
4. Business Legislation in Canada

Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999

The primary purpose of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA) (https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/c-15.31/) is to contribute to sustainable development through pollution prevention. It provides the legislative basis for a range of federal environmental and health protection programs. These include activities related to the assessment and management of risks from chemicals, polymers and living organisms programs related to air and water pollution, hazardous waste, air pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions, ocean disposal, and environmental emergencies.

Pollution prevention is a key element of the CEPA. It has details pertaining to businesses developing pollution prevention plans with guidelines and models. The objective is for organization to develop guidelines and codes of practice to ensure that pollution is minimized to support the environment in Canada and the health of all Canadians.

Many businesses require the use of potential toxic substances to develop or manufacture the products. The CEPA identifies priority substances which businesses must manage appropriately with guidelines for handling. Specifically, it outlines regulations which govern the acquisition, management, and use of toxic substances. It also addresses the requirements businesses must complete in the event of toxic substance releases into the environment. Lastly, it sets out all regulations regarding the export of any toxic substances internationally.

The main area of the CEPA is concerned with controlling the pollution that businesses may generate as part of their operations. Moreover, it covers areas of proper waste disposal across a wide range of industries. Specific attention is place on the areas of marine life and disposal of waste at sea. It also covers fuel disposal and vehicle emissions regulations within Canada. Most importantly, it details the movement and disposal of any type of hazardous waste products.

The CEPA sets out the terms for the authorization of government to act in the event of an environmental emergency. This is critical to ensure the government can quickly respond to any situation in order to prevent or mitigate environmental impacts. For example, in the event of an oil spill, government authorities require the ability to act without having to wait for government to pass specific legislation relating to the crisis.

Any business using or generating any type of toxic substance (or by-products) must follow legislative guidelines to avoid penalties, prosecution, and potential third-party liability.