Key Characteristics of Participatory M&E

Now we can take a closer look at the key characteristics that make up PM&E.

Key Characteristics of Participatory M&E include:

  • Bottom-up approach
  • Emphasizes and supports shared learning of stakeholders and rights holders at various levels (local, regional, national)
  • Build capacity of local people to assess and analyze, reflect and take action
  • Consider primary stakeholders and rights holders as active participants – not objects or mere sources of information
  • Involves stakeholders and rights holders in all or most of the phases of the M&E process (the approach is designed with them)
  • Focus on the views and aspirations of community members




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Building Sustainable Communities: Monitoring and Evaluation Copyright © by Ryan Plummer; Amanda Smits; Samantha Witkowski; Bridget McGlynn; Derek Armitage; Ella-Kari Muhl; and Jodi Johnston is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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