Indigenous Communities & M&E

In the context of Indigenous communities “traditional Indigenous knowledge (TK) and traditional resources have been managed by Indigenous communities since time immemorial” (Indigenous Corporate Training Inc, 2018), including M&E.

The value of traditional knowledge in resource development projects, environmental management, government policies and co-management strategies has increased over the past four decades (Indigenous Corporate Training Inc, 2018).

It is especially important that any person or organization working with Indigenous communities is aware of the guidelines for monitoring TK studies, including Indigenous relations training, knowledge systems, and rights and legal systems surrounding these practices.


Supplementary reading

Please click here to read more about the history of Indigenous knowledge and participation in environmental monitoring, as summarized from academic literature by Thompson et al. (2020).




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Building Sustainable Communities: Monitoring and Evaluation Copyright © by Ryan Plummer; Amanda Smits; Samantha Witkowski; Bridget McGlynn; Derek Armitage; Ella-Kari Muhl; and Jodi Johnston is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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