
The Blended Learning Toolbox

toolboxAlphaPlus can help you plan, create and develop a blended learning approach or curriculum for your program. Please get in touch so we can discuss how we can support your work.

We have made a Blended Learning Toolbox as part of our Digital Technology for Learning Resource.

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Our friends at Pro-Literacy have made a guide to blended learning that reflects the position in the AlphaPlus paper and includes a deeper look the benefits. It offers a guide to getting started with blended learning and some case studies that highlight promising practices.

AlphaPlus ProLiteracy
Blended learning is often defined as any combination of face-to-face and online instruction, but not all combinations are blended learning. For example, in some adult education programs, educators support learners who are participating in online independent study courses that are designed and delivered by external organizations, without input or control over the content or delivery. While this can be an effective way to create a hybrid of learning environments that meets the need of learners who want to learn online and build their capability to learn remotely, it cannot be said to adhere to the principles of blended learning because the educators and learners are not actively engaged in creating and transforming the curriculum. Blended learning is an instructional approach that has a face-to-face class or tutorial integrated with online learning in which students have some “control over time, place, path, and/or pace” (Blended Learning Definitions, 2019). It is not distance education, which is entirely, or almost entirely, online learning. The key difference between blended and hybrid learning, which also has both a face-to-face and an online learning component, is that in blended learning the face-to-face and online components are integrated (Murphy et al., 2017). They may be integrated in a variety of ways, but the goal is to have the two components reinforce each other.

You can use this guide to deepen your knowledge about:

  • the difference between hybrid learning, which joins an online curriculum with a traditional face-to-face class or tutorial, and blended learning, which integrates classroom lessons and online lessons into one cohesive structure
  • how blended learning can meet the challenges of what and who is taught
  • why adult basic skills programs have chosen to use blended learning
  • how to get started
  • how to meet some of the challenges faced in implementing blended learning



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