
Supplementary Reflection Questions (Student Videos)

Reading time: approximately 2 minutes.

The following reflection questions were created to be used in conjunction with the videos in Choose Your Own Adventure (Student Stories) to support students as they think about challenges and resources to accessing their right to accommodation in placement.

Opening Scene: Aaleyah meets with her friends and they discuss accommodation in placements

  • What are your fears about asking for supports?
  • What skills do you think people need to self-advocate?
  • Has there been a time when you’ve self-advocated before?
  • Do you know who to ask if you need supports?

Decision point 1, option 1: Aaleyah meets with her placement instructor to explore accommodation needs.

  • What are some of the benefits to asking for supports?
  • What are some of the concerns with asking for supports?
  • Would having supports allow you to do a better job at placement?
  • Why might someone wait to ask for supports?

Decision point 1, option 2: note criticism and micro-aggression in ESL comment

  • Why might Aaleyah be uncomfortable discussing their support needs?
  • How do you think the supervisor would respond if Aaleyah asked for supports?
  • What could go wrong if Aaleyah asked for supports?
  • What might improve at placement if Aaleyah asked for supports?

Decision point 2, option 1: Aaleyah requests an adjustment to her accommodation and her placement instructor is unsupportive

  • Can you think of some questions you might ask about accommodations?
  • Are there other people Aaleyah might ask for help?

Decision point 2, option 1: Aaleyah requests an adjustment to her accommodation and her instructor and supervisor exclude her from the conversation

  • What did you like about this discussion?
  • What did you dislike about this discussion?

Decision point 2, option 3

  • What might help keep Aaleyah from being discouraged?
  • In this video, the field supervisor was in a hurry. Is there a different way to have this discussion?

Decision point 3, option 1

  • How do you think Aaleyah handled this conversation?
  • Can you think of examples of how you might ask for supports based on this scenario?
  • Was there anything about this scenario that made you uncomfortable?
  • If you had a conversation like this and still felt unsure, what might you do next?

Decision point 3, option 2

  • What might make it challenging for you to discuss your support needs with a supervisor?
  • What might be a good support system for you?