
Student Video Reflection Questions

The complete list of the reflection questions embedded in the ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ student videos is provided below:

Video 1

  • What is Aaleyah worried about when she is considering arranging her accommodation needs in placement?
  • What do you think about Max and Sam’s response to Aaleyah’s predicament? How do we support friends with disabilities to access their rights to accommodation?
  • What advice do disabled students receive from the institution about accommodation access and how does it compare real life?
  • Why might disabled students disregard their advice of accessibility counselling?

Video 2

  • Reflect on how Pat and Aaleyah discuss her accommodation needs. What did you like about how they communicated? What would you have done differently and why?
  • It’s a week before the placement starts for Aaleyah is uncertain about what to expect. Would a student in your program be feeling as unprepared? Why or why not? Share some strategies or ideas that departments could use to support students and instructors navigate the accommodation process.
  • Given the outcome of Pat and Aaleyah’s discussion, what are some challenges or barriers that Aaleyah might encounter as she proceeds in her placement?

Video 3

  • What are the challenges and possible pitfalls of emphasizing self-advocacy for students in Aaleyah’s position?
  • At your institution, what is the process for a disabled student who requires a new or modified accommodation later in the placement process?
  • Does it matter whether Aaleyah wants to use a memory aid because of her disability or because of the stress in her life?

Video 4

  • Reflect on Aaleyah and Pat’s interaction. How do you think you would react in this situation? How might Aaleyah and Pat have responded differently?
  • Can you think of an accommodation that might work for Aaleyah in this scenario that would not put the clients’ right to confidentiality at risk?
  • How might student accommodation needs be in conflict with the placement needs and rights in your context?

Video 5

  • Reflect on the interaction between Aaleyah, Pat and Joan. What did you notice?
  • If you were Aaleyah, how would you feel after this interaction?
  • Whose responsibility is it to resolve this challenge of conflicting rights in the placement context?

Video 6

  • What is going on for Aaleyah in this scenario? (e.g. Why do you think Aaleyah did not accept Joan’s offer of a reduced client load? Why does she want to leave the program?)
  • What are your student’s options, when they feel they have no options left? Or do they feel that they are at a breaking point in the program?
  • What do you think about how Joan interacted with Aaleyah in this scenario?
  • How might Sam respond to Aaleyah to support her in this situation?

Video 7

  • Reflect of Joan’s response to Aaleyah work. What did you find productive about her response? What would you have done differently?
  • What assumptions does Joan make in this scenario? (e.g. Joan suggests that Aaleyah is struggling with documentation because she is ESL. What might lead Joan to think this?) What might be problematic about these assumptions?
  • If you were Aaleyah in this scenario, how might you respond to Joan? What steps might she take next to address any ongoing concerns?
  • If you were a Placement Instructor and heard about this interaction between Aaleyah and Joan, what might be your response?

Video 8

  • What other resources exist for disabled students who are struggling with accessing their rights to accommodations?
  • What is the outcome of Aaleyah’s placement? How does Aaleyah succeed in her placement without disclosing?