
9 Resources

This chapter identifies other resources that you may find helpful in your role as a TA.

In this chapter

eBook for course instructors

This eBook has additional information that you may find helpful in your work as a TA or in a future position.

Remote teaching: a practical guide with tools, tips, and techniques

Français : https://ecampusontario.pressbooks.pub/coursadistance/

English: https://ecampusontario.pressbooks.pub/remotecourse/


Brightspace is a learning management system and is the way that most students on campus will access their courses. It is also referred to as Virtual Campus—Brightspace is the name of the specific learning management system, created by a company called D2L (Desire2Learn).

University of Ottawa Teaching and Learning Support Service (TLSS)

Encouraging students to develop learning skills

The Growth & Goals module was developed to help students become more efficient learners.

Two version are available in English and French:

The infographic below gives a brief overview of the module. PDF version of the infographic here.

Growth & Goals Infographic

Academic integrity matters!

“Academic integrity means being responsible for the quality of your work, preparing it honestly and respecting the intellectual community you are part of as a student. It is a core value in all scholarly work… Every member of the University community has the moral obligation to learn and share knowledge with honesty and integrity. Students should be proud to show their diploma, knowing that they’ve earned it honestly and by respecting the principles of academic integrity.” – uOttawa website on Academic Integrity 

It’s a great idea to talk with students about the importance of academic integrity. Doing so helps create an environment of high expectations around academic integrity. There’s some great information here about why students cheat and what we can do do create an environment of academic integrity.

Academic fraud

Academic fraud is an act by a student that may result in a false evaluation (including papers, tests, examinations, etc.). It is not tolerated by the University. Any person found guilty of academic fraud will be subject to severe sanctions.

Students: please be particular mindful of academic integrity requirements in your courses online—if you are not sure about the expectations surrounding academic integrity, ASK!

Here are some examples of academic fraud:

  • Plagiarism or cheating of any kind;
  • Present research data that has been falsified;
  • Submit a work for which you are not the author, in whole or part;
  • Submit the same piece of work for more than one course without the written consent of the professors concerned.
  • Please consult this webpage: it contains regulations and tool to help you avoid plagiarism and maintain academic integrity

An individual who commits or attempts to commit academic fraud, or who is an accomplice, will be penalized. Here are some examples of possible sanctions:

  • Receive an “F” for the work or in the course in question;
  • Imposition of additional requirements (from 3 to 30 credits) to the program of study;
  • Suspension or expulsion from the Faculty.
  • You can refer to the regulations on this webpage.

Student Services

Academic Accommodations Service

Students who have a disability or functional limitation and who need adaptive measures (changes to the physical setting, arrangements for exams, learning strategies, adaptive technologies, etc.) to progress or participate fully in university life should contact SASS Academic Accommodations immediately by:

  • Visiting the SASS Academic Accommodations office on the third floor of the Desmarais Building, Room 3172
  • Logging into the Academic Accommodations Portal (Ventus) and completing the intake form
  • Calling the Academic Accommodations office at 613-562-5976

The Academic Accommodations Service offers services and implements measures to break down barriers to learning for students with physical or mental health issues, visual impairments or blindness, hearing impairments or deafness, permanent or temporary disabilities, or learning disabilities.

Academic Writing Help Centre

At the AWHC you will learn how to identify, correct and ultimately avoid errors in your writing and become an autonomous writer.

In working with our Writing Advisors, you will be able to acquire the abilities, strategies and writing tools that will enable you to:

  • Master the written language of your choice
  • Expand your critical thinking abilities
  • Develop your argumentation skills
  • Learn what the expectations are for academic writing

Career Services

Career Services offers various services and a career development program to enable you to recognize and enhance the employability skills you need in today’s world of work.

Counselling Service

There are many reasons to take advantage of the Counselling Service. We offer:

  • Personal counselling
  • Career counselling
  • Study skills counselling
  • Access Service

The Access Service acts as intermediary between students, their faculty and other University offices to ensure that the special needs of these students are addressed and that the best possible learning conditions are being offered.

Note that the University of Ottawa is affiliated with AERO (Alternate Education Resources Ontario) and ACE (Accessible Content ePortal) services for the adaptation of accessible academic materials for students with perceptual disabilities. If you have any questions, please contact the Accessibility Librarian or Access services for textbooks.

Prevention of Sexual Violence & Harassment

The University of Ottawa will not tolerate any act of sexual violence. This includes acts such as rape and sexual harassment, as well as misconduct that take place without consent, which includes cyberbullying or online harassment. The University, as well as various employee and student groups, offers a variety of services and resources to ensure that all uOttawa community members have access to confidential support and information, and to procedures for reporting an incident or filing a complaint. For more information, please visit www.uOttawa.ca/sexual-violence-support-and-prevention/.

Intervention is vital if harassment occurs. The only correct level of tolerance for such behaviour is ZERO TOLERANCE. This is a critical reason for our recommendation that you must know your technology, including implementing security features designed to reduce instances where someone acts to create a hostile environment.


Helping someone in distress

Up next

The next chapter addresses your own professional development.

Please feel free to contact us at any time with questions, suggestions, and concerns. In particular, we check this form weekly and will continue to update this guide as the situation evolves.



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Remote teaching: a guide for teaching assistants Copyright © by Meredith Allen; Alisha Szozda; Jeremy Kerr; and Alison Flynn is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.