Book Title: Growth & Goals: a course-integrated module to better equip students with learning skills

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Book Description: This module is designed to be adapted by course instructors to their own context. This integration benefits especially from tailoring the specific course's learning outcomes, study strategies, and support. Instructors should make their own copy of the module's Google Drive activities so that their students' data is collected only by them.We also encourage instructors to assign a grade for students who complete the module as even a 1% bonus leads to high completion rates.
Book Information
Growth & Goals: a course-integrated module to better equip students with learning skills Copyright © by Alison Flynn; Elizabeth Campbell Brown; Emily O'Connor; Ellyssa Walsh; Fergal O'Hagan; Gisèle Richard; and Kevin Roy is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.