
Select Bibliography

Special Abbreviations Used:

Aegean and Orient
Cline, E.H., and D. Harris-Cline, eds. 1998. The Aegean and the Orient in the Second Millennium B.C.: Proceedings of the 50th Anniversary Symposium, Cincinnati, 18-20 April 1997 (Aegaeum 18), Liège and Austin: Université de Liège and University of Texas at Austin.

Ages of Homer
Carter, J.B., and S.P. Morris, eds. 1995. The Ages of Homer: A Tribute to Emily Townsend Vermeule, Austin: University of Texas Press.

Ancient Greece
Deger-Jalkotzy, S., and I.S. Lemos, eds. 2006 [2009]. Ancient Greece: From the Mycenaean Palaces to the Age of Homer, Edinburgh Leventis Studies 3, Edinburgh University Press.

Wace, A.J.B., and F.H. Stubbings, eds. 1962. A Companion to Homer, London: Macmillan.

Economy and Politics
Voutsaki, S., and J.T. Killen, eds. 2001. Economy and Politics in the Mycenaean Palace States: Proceedings of a Conference held on 1-3 July 1999 in the Faculty of Classics, Cambridge, Cambridge Philological Society.

Morris, S.P., and R. Laffineur, eds. 2007. Epos: Reconsidering Greek Epic and Aegean Bronze Age Archaeology: Proceedings of the 11th International Aegean Conference, Los Angeles, UCLA – The J. Paul Getty Villa, 20-23 April 2006 (Aegaeum 28), Liège and Austin: Université de Liège and University of Texas at Austin.

Floreant Studia Mycenaea

Deger-Jalkotzy, S., S. Hiller, and O. Panagl, eds. 1999. Floreant Studia Mycenaea: Akten des X Internationalen Mykenologischen Colloquiums in Salzburg vom 1-5 Mai 1995 (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-Historische Klasse Denkschriften 274), Wien: Verlag der Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut.

Homeric Questions
Crielaard, J.P., ed. 1995. Homeric Questions: Essays in Philology, Ancient History and Archaeology, Including the Papers of a Conference Organised by the Netherlands Institute at Athens, Amsterdam: J.C. Gieben.

Mediterranean Peoples
Gitin, S., A. Mazar, and E. Stern, eds. 1998. Mediterranean Peoples in Transition, Thirteenth to Early Tenth Centuries BCE: In Honor of Professor Trude Dothan, Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society.

Betancourt, P.P., V. Karageorghis, R. Laffineur, and W.-D. Niemeier, eds. 1999. Meletemata: Studies in Aegean Archaeology Presented to Malcolm H. Wiener as He Enters His 65th Year, Liège and Austin: Université de Liège and University of Texas at Austin.

Minotaur and Centaur
Evely, D., I.S. Lemos, and S. Sherratt, eds. 1996. Minotaur and Centaur: Studies in the Archaeology of Crete and Euboea Presented to Mervyn Popham (BAR International Series 638), Oxford: Tempus Reparatum.

New Companion
Morris, I., and B. Powell, eds. 1996. A New Companion to Homer (Mnemosyne Supplement 163), Leiden: Brill.

Laffineur, R., ed. 1999. Polemos: Le context Guerrier en Egée à l’age du Bronze: Actes de la 7e Rencontre égéenne internationale, Université de Liège, 14-17 avril 1998 (Aegaeum 19), Liège and Austin: Université de Liège and University of Texas at Austin.

Laffineur, R., and W.-D. Niemeier, eds. 1995. Politeia: Society and State in the Aegean Bronze Age: Proceedings of the 5th International Aegean Conference, University of Heidelberg, Archäologisches Institut, 10-13 April 1994 (Aegaeum 12), Liège and Austin: Université de Liège and University of Texas at Austin.

Problems in Prehistory
French, E.B., and K.A. Wardle, eds. 1988. Problems in Greek Prehistory. Papers Presented at the Centenary Conference of the British School at Athens, Manchester April 1986, Bristol: Bristol Classical Press.

Studia Troica
From 1991 – Studia Troica. Results of the Excavations at Troy Under the Direction of the Late Manfred Korfmann of Tübingen University.

Troy and the Trojan War
Mellink, M.J., ed. 1986. Troy and the Trojan War. A Symposium Held at Bryn Wawr College 1984.

Wace and Blegen
Zerner, C., P. Zerner, and J. Winder. 1993. Proceedings of the International Conference, “Wace and Blegen: Pottery as Evidence for Trade in the Aegean Bronze Age, 1939-1989,” Amsterdam.




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