Breakdown Your Goals! text description
Breakdown Your Goals!
What is my goal?
S: Specific
- Clearly articulate what you need to do
- Determine what you will write
- Determine when you will write
- Determine where you will write
M: Measurable
- Define your goals in numerical terms
- Determine the number of pages you will write
- Determine the hours you’ll stay on task
- Take inventory after your work sessions to gauge productivity
A: Achievable
- Set goals you can realistically achieve in the time available
- Think in small, defined increments
- Stay on task
- If you reach your goal early, work towards the next goal
R: Relevant
- Decide which goals are most productive and important
- Are you trying to develop work habits?
- Are you experimenting with a new writing technique?
- Are you trying to produce pages?
T: Time Limited
- Determine when you will review, evaluate, and test new targets
- Set small weekly or daily goals
- Systematically evaluate what is working
- Celebrate progress or troubleshoot when needed