
Welcome to the McMaster Graduate Thesis Toolkit!

Students sitting on a greenspace at McMaster campus in Fall.

Welcome to the McMaster Graduate Thesis Toolkit – your resource for everything related to writing for your Masters and PhD work. After consulting with graduate students like you, we have developed a series of resources, tip sheets, and experiences from graduate students in the following three themes:

  1. Time Management & Organization
  2. Technical Aspects of Writing & Editing
  3. Staying Well While Writing

We also heard from graduate students that everyone’s thesis experience is unique, and so the toolkit reflects that diversity. We hope the quotes and stories from students throughout will inspire you and let you know that you are not alone in your journey. 

This is a general guide for the entire graduate student body, so please consult with your own department for their specific guidelines and processes.

How to navigate this book

You can use the left and right arrows at the bottom of each page indicating the previous and next chapters in this book. You can also use the “Contents” in the top left-hand corner to navigate to any of the topics within the three chapters and sub-chapters. Finally, you can “search” for a keyword in the top right-hand corner.

Note that all links will open in a new window or tab.


The online version of this toolkit (through Pressbooks) is designed to be accessible for all. The text is compatible with text to speech screen readers,  photos and graphics are set up with alternative text, and in the top corner of the page, there is a button which enables you to enlarge the text for better visibility. If you require further accommodations, please contact Student Accessibility Services [https://sas.mcmaster.ca/] for more support.

Download options

When you’re ready to download your copy of the book, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the “Home” page. Start by locating the “Home” link on the navigation bar at the top of the screen.
  2. Select “Download this book”. Once on the “Home” page, find the option labelled “Download this book.” You will discover four download options tailored to different needs. Select the download option that aligns with your intended use to maximize your reading experience:
    • EPUB: If you plan to read the book on popular eBook readers like Kobo, Nook, iBooks, or Amazon Kindle, selecting the EPUB option is ideal. EPUB files are compatible with most modern eBook readers, providing a seamless reading experience.
    • Digital PDF: If you want to access the book online, choose the Digital PDF option. These Digital PDFs are designed for online use, incorporating accessibility features and hyperlinks to facilitate effortless navigation within the digital copy.
    • Print PDF: If you want to print a physical copy of the book, choose the Print PDF option. Print PDFs are specifically tailored for individuals who wish to print the content. They adhere to the requirements of various printers and print-on-demand services, ensuring that your printed copies meet the necessary standards. Note that this option is unsuitable for assistive technologies like screen readers.


The authors of this book would like to acknowledge the following contributions:

  • Graduate Students and the McMaster Graduate Student Association for offering feedback, experiences, and outreach support for this project.
  • The MacPherson Institute Student Partners Program for providing grants to make this project possible.
  • The School of Graduate Studies for facilitating and supporting the project development.
  • Funded by the Government of Ontario: The views expressed in this publication are the views of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the Government of Ontario or the Ontario Online Learning Consortium
  • The second edition of the McMaster Graduate Thesis Toolkit OER was built in collaboration with The Learning Designers

eCampus Ontario Funded by Ontario logo

Questions and feedback

Comments and feedback on the Toolkit can be offered using this form [https://forms.office.com/r/CRgGJjr2f7]

For questions regarding the Toolkit, please contact gsevent@mcmaster.ca 


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McMaster University's Graduate Thesis Toolkit Copyright © 2021 by McMaster University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.