
5 Maccess Art Wall – Maccess Executive 2020/2021

Image Description

  • This image depicts a dark green wall with a string of white lights hanging across the top. This is a photograph of the McMaster Students Union Maccess space run by and for disabled students. Taped to the wall are a series of notes on brown, yellow, white, grey, purple, and green paper in different shapes and sizes.
  • At the top left there is a banner with the words, “What is the role of disability community in your student experience?” The following answers to this question are provided on the coloured notes:
    • MSU Maccess connected me to Campus Accessibility Tech Space (CATS). CATS had quickly turned into a safe space for me to go between classes and I am super grateful for it.
    • I would not be able to get through academia at ALL without disability community. I learn so many tips and tricks from folks and even the ability to commiserate has been so necessary.
    • Likely would never have gotten interested in Disability Studies without it!!
    • Provided a network of support and ideas that allowed me to heal and expand my understanding of disability and myself. ALSO, so many amazing peeps!
    • The disability community has inspired me to expect more from academia and the world. Things don’t have to stay the way they are right now. We can get better and do better.
  • At the top right another banner reads, “Words of wisdom for future Maccess folks”. The following responses are provided on the coloured notes:
    • Create time for peer-support and caring for each other within meetings and develop a team dynamic where folks can feel cared for
    • Take note of how much free labour you’re doing for the MSU – is this worth burning out over?
    • So important to connect with each other as human beings (supporting each other, crying together, building friendships) because that is the foundation of disability community / disability justice work!
    • You are WHOLE + BEAUTIFUL + AMAZING. i love you
    • To hold space for where you’re at in the moment and for sometimes just showing up.

Image Description

  • The words “3 Words to Describe Maccess” are written in white across a solid dark green background. Underneath are two strings of yellow lights in the shape of stars. Below the string of lights, the following sets of three words are offered in capital letters to describe Maccess:
    • I love pals
    • Love (for community) a rage (for inaccessibility and ableism)
    • Screaming about capitalism
    • Screaming about pandemic
    • Learning about accessibility
    • Supportive important screaming
    • Enriching, flexible, important


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