29 Stress Management
Effective stress management can make your college experience more pleasant and is a useful tool to have for your life. Here are some key techniques to help you:
Coping with Stress through Breathing
Changing your Perception of Stress
Problem Solving to Manage Stress
Mental Health Apps
1. SAM (Self-help for Anxiety Management) by University of the West of England
Created by psychologists, computer scientists, and students, the SAM app can help you learn the signs and triggers of anxious thoughts and behaviours, as well as self-help exercises for managing everyday anxiety.
2. MindShift CBT by Anxiety Canada
Similar to the SAM app, MindShift helps you identify and work through specific anxiety-causing situations. With MindShift, you can create customized tools to help you cope, then save your plan in case you experience anxiety again.
3. Calm by Calm.com
Worried about an upcoming test, or can’t fall asleep because of everything that’s on your mind? The Calm app can help lower your stress level with guided meditations, breathing programs, soothing music, and even bedtime stories.
4. Headspace by Headspace, Inc.
Mindfulness meditation can be an important addition to your self-care routine. Studies have shown the power of meditation to improve both anxiety and depression. The Headspace app illustrates various mindfulness techniques and principles to help you stay balanced and worry-free.
Further Information
Read more about mental health apps in Niagara College’s Campus Well newsletter