
Research Methods, Findings, and Recommendations

8 Recommendations

Stevie D. Jonathan

Evidence suggests household food insecurity exists within Indigenous communities. Kahnawà:ke has emergency response plans and resources but relies on food that is produced outside of the reserve land base, and produces very little traditional food (Delormier et al.,2017). The same can be said for Six Nations of the Grand River; therefore, the creation of food sovereignty for our community is vital and has been amplified as a need by the COVID-19 pandemic. From our findings, we are able to draw a strong recommendation that local education of food sovereignty, Indigenous foods, and practices overall must be achieved, in order to promote these concepts in the lives of Six Nations members. There are key components interwoven within this recommendation. The first is that food sovereignty is a community effort, in practice and in knowledge transmission. The second key component is the importance of community sharing knowledge of Indigenous foods and our traditional practices, for the continuance of our identity as Haudenosaunee peoples. In order to offer a first step toward realization of our recommendation, the next section of this educational resource will present the Haudenosaunee perspective on food sovereignty by exploring some of the major oral traditions of our Confederacy, including the Creation Story and the Great Law. The subsequent and final section further advances our recommendation by presenting two activities that engage learners in reflective and active practices supporting food sovereignty.