H5P activities list

This book includes 92 H5P activities. Only those which have been inserted into book content will be included if the book is cloned.

ID Title Activity type Show/Hide
82Ch.7: They were like, ‘If you can’t afford your dog just give it to the Humane Society.’ And I was like, ‘Give my dog to the Humane Society?’ Are they going to say that to someone who has a child that they can’t afford to take care of? No...Dialog Cards
83Social Work Question 1Documentation Tool
84Ch.8: Getting to understand a person can help you put them in a better place…Dialog Cards
85Ch.8: They know what we’ve been through. Not ‘we understand,’ but ‘we know.’ We understand on another level.Dialog Cards
86Social Work Question 2Documentation Tool
87The Four Foundational ConceptsCourse Presentation
88Ch.8: My kids make everyday worthwhile. Even when I have my down days, they bring a smile to my face…Dialog Cards
89Ch.8: I’ve never been in this position. It’s not something I’ve even thought of. Who thinks they’re going to be homeless?Dialog Cards
90Social Work Question 3Documentation Tool
91Primary Care Question 1Documentation Tool
92Ch.9: If someone has back problems, in pain, they’re just prescribed medication but it’s not helping the problem.Dialog Cards
93Ch.9: It’s been 10 years since I had a doctor of any kind. I looked for one when I came home. They said there was none to have…Dialog Cards
94Ch.9: My health is bad, but I’m not concerned with it right now. There are other things that are my top priority…Dialog Cards
95Primary Care Question 2Documentation Tool
96Ch.9: I only have enough for a tooth pull and a cleaning. If I use it in January, I have nothing. No dentist is going to help me.Dialog Cards
97Ch.9: I have a black spot on my frontal lobe due to a traumatic event when I was 10 years old…Dialog Cards
98Primary Care Question 3Documentation Tool
99Emergency Medicine Question 1Documentation Tool
100Ch.10: They don’t really listen when it comes to me, at least. But apparently, I’m not the only one that has these problems. They pick and choose who they help really…Dialog Cards
101Ch.10: I would say to them when someone comes into the hospital coming off a substance, just because that person has problems in their life, they shouldn’t be looked at any different because of substances…Dialog Cards
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