H5P activities list

This book includes 92 H5P activities. Only those which have been inserted into book content will be included if the book is cloned.

ID Title Activity type Show/Hide
62Ch.3: You tell (the doctor) you have a drug problem and a mental problem, he won’t help you with your mental problem…Dialog Cards
63Ch.3: I’m not sure how my psychosis got to me…Dialog Cards
64Mental Health Question 2Documentation Tool
65Ch.3: I deal with a lot of mental health and depression, think that people don’t like me for no reason, and I know that I shouldn’t be thinking that…Dialog Cards
66Ch.3: I was married at the time and my wife got sick and wasn’t able to pull out of it. That started the down slide, when plans were all in order…Dialog Cards
67Mental Health Question 3Documentation Tool
68Ch.3: My husband was mentally sick last year. I’m out of work. I got laid off last December because of his illness…Dialog Cards
69Gender and Queer Studies Question 1Documentation Tool
70Ch.5: My whole life revolved around my kids. I wasn’t a bad mom. They don’t deserve to not have me, and I don’t deserve this…Dialog Cards
71Ch.5: If I don’t get housing I’m going to lose my kids...Dialog Cards
72Gender and Queer Studies Question 2Documentation Tool
73Ch.5: I’m a single dad. I have two kids that depend on me…Dialog Cards
74Gender and Queer Studies Question 3Documentation Tool
75Ch.5: In [grade] seven and eight it kinda sucked. I got pushed around there a lot…Dialog Cards
76Sociology and Crimino-Legal Studies Question 1Documentation Tool
77Sociology and Crimino-Legal Studies Question 2Documentation Tool
78Ch.7: A big part of why I can’t find a house is because of a criminal record and bad credit. They do those checks and that’s it…Dialog Cards
79Ch.7: …They can try to kick us out but where are we going to go?Dialog Cards
80Ch.7: I was released into the community because I have family here now, because they apprehended my son. Got out, came to a shelter, and then underwent the process to get custody of my son and get sober…Dialog Cards
81Sociology and Crimino-Legal Studies Question 3Documentation Tool
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