H5P activities list

This book includes 92 H5P activities. Only those which have been inserted into book content will be included if the book is cloned.

ID Title Activity type Show/Hide
42Ch.2: I wish things were easier. The cost of living and jobs would need to change. It’s so expensive...Dialog Cards
43What is the criminalization of homelessness? O'Grady, Gaetz, Buccieri (2011)Course Presentation
44Public Health Question 1Documentation Tool
45Ch.4: There’s one area where it’s just bunks, bunks, bunks...Dialog Cards
46Public Health Question 2Documentation Tool
47Ch.4: …People keep overdosing and people keep dying because they think nobody cares.Dialog Cards
48Ch.4: …If I could contribute, the number one thing with me being homeless right now, it’s my battle with drugs and addictions.Dialog Cards
49Public Health Question 3Documentation Tool
50Ch.4: I need to be in a safe, calm, indoor place (to inject). I don’t like having to watch over my shoulder…Dialog Cards
51Ch.4: They brought me here because they don’t have a methadone clinic where I was. Pretty much saved my life. You don’t know until you walk a mile in someone’s shoes…Dialog Cards
52Ch.4: I was on the gurney struggling to breathe because my lungs were collapsing, the one male nurse walked by and said, ‘It looks like someone got into the purple again. Ha ha ha.’ Like it was a joke…Dialog Cards
53Ch.4: I let people shoot up in my apartment. I go through about 12 naloxone kits every 2 weeks...Dialog Cards
54DischargeCourse Presentation
55National Discharge Survey Results (n = 660)Chart
56Indigenous Question 1Documentation Tool
57Ch.1: I kept going around in the same cycle, not really any job opportunities or anything really for me…Dialog Cards
58Indigenous Question 2Documentation Tool
59Indigenous Question 3Documentation Tool
60Mental Health Question 1Documentation Tool
61Ch.3: My psychiatrist is treating me for bi-polar…Dialog Cards
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