H5P activities list

This book includes 92 H5P activities. Only those which have been inserted into book content will be included if the book is cloned.

ID Title Activity type Show/Hide
102Emergency Medicine Question 2Documentation Tool
103Ch.10: They called security 20 minutes after I woke up in the mental health floor. I got escorted out with security after I got mad. I need help or something. I didn’t end up here by my choice…Dialog Cards
104Emergency Medicine Question 3Documentation Tool
105Conclusion Question 1Documentation Tool
106Child and Youth Studies Question 1Documentation Tool
107Ch.6: My parents divorced and I just ended up with my stepdad. I don’t know how…Dialog Cards
108Ch.6: My parents were abusive, not supportive…Dialog Cards
109Child and Youth Studies Question 2Documentation Tool
110Ch.6: Being a girl, guys want sex and I wanted to avoid that…Dialog Cards
111Child and Youth Studies Question 3Documentation Tool
112Ch.6: I actually liked school a lot until I got into, like, until I was in grade six. I was a good student, stuff like that…Dialog Cards
113Conclusion Magic WandDialog Cards
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