
Colour contrast checker

Why do we need to use a manual colour contrast checker?

  • Most automated accessibility checkers (word, PPT, etc) do not sufficiently check for Colour contrast
  • This tool will help you determine specific colour contrast ratios and identify problematic colour combinations

How to install

  1. Go to the WebAIM Colour Contrast bookmarklet site
  2. Follow the instructions to install the the bookmarklet / app on your Chrome browser. Note, while the app will work in Firefox, it does *not* have the dropper tool, which is the most important part

How to check a PPT file

  1. Save your PPT file on a web-based drive (Google Drive, OneDrive, etc). I
  2. Navigate to that file using Chrome browser
  3. Click the Colour Contrast Checker link in your Bookmark
  4. Use the eye dropper tools to check the background and foreground. You may need to check several spots on the background if the colour is not solid.




Except where otherwise noted, “W3C Link Checker” by Jen Booth is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0