
5.3 Les Nombres 100-30 000

Numbers from 100-999 simply combine the different numbers you have already learned.

For example:

532 = cinq-cent-trente-deux

397 = trois-cent-quatre-vingt-dix-sept


Use the table below to review the vocabulary words related to numbers. Listen to the French pronunciations using the following audio recording.

100 cent
102 cent-deux
103 cent-trois
200 deux-cents
300 trois-cents
400 quatre-cents
500 cinq-cents
600 six-cents
700 sept-cents
800 huit-cents
900 neuf-cents
1 000 mille
2 000 deux-mille
3 000 trois-mille
10 000 dix-mille
30 000 trente-mille

Important notes

  • The Académie française’s 1990 French spelling reforms (rectifications orthographiques) suggest that it is good practice to use a hyphen to separate each number element, including “et-un”. For example, 2 422 is written as deux-mille-quatre-cent-vingt-deux.
  • When writing out numbers higher than 999, a space separates three-digit groups of numbers. For example: 1 250.
  • When vingt or cent are followed by a number, the s is dropped.

Exercice 4: Nombres 100-30 000

Write the numbers that correspond to the following words.

  1. mille-soixante-trois
  2. neuf-cent-quatre-vingt-six
  3. trois-mille-quatre-vingt-quinze
  4. quatre-cent-soixante-dix-neuf
  5. soixante et onze
  6. quatre-vingt-quatre
  7. sept-cent-soixante-deux
  8. soixante-douze
  9. mille-huit-cent-douze
  10. soixante-sept

Exercice 5: Nombres en lettres 100-30 000

Write out the following numbers in words.

  • 1.998
  • 561
  • 1.083
  • 75
  • 10.569
  • 9.289
  • 04
  • 664
  • 173



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