Unit 8: Disseminating Action Research Findings
Activity 1: Research Dissemination
Part A: Main Idea Question
Group Discussion
“Research dissemination (is defined) as a planned process that involves consideration of target audiences, consideration of the settings in which research findings are to be received and communicating and interacting with wider audiences in ways that will facilitate research uptake and understanding.“ (Ross-Hellauer et al., 2020, p. 2)

In your groups, discuss what the above definition means.
Part B: Reflection
Part C: Watch the Video and Respond to the Questions
Watch this brief video and discuss the top tips for sharing research findings. How do you think each person is disseminating their findings?
Part D: Watch the Video and Respond to the Questions
Now, watch this video on communicating your research findings and answer the questions below.
Critical Thinking

Work in groups. Which ways of disseminating research findings do you think works better for the kind of research you are interested in conducting? Discuss your reasons.